on The Power of Transformation

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Amazing film James and Amy! Good to see Sandros!!


I absolutely love this. Well done team… power, beauty and truth flowing through this Piece. ❤️

Beautifully done and so true!!! Thanks for all the work so many of you put into this blog. I enjoy it every morning with a cup of coffee and yearn for the day that I can return to Londolozi. Your words, pictures, time and effort are much appreciated across the globe in California!

A very good video – well done!

Senior Digital Ranger

Oh, my gosh. Absolutely awesome. Thanks.

Deb and Frank Kohlenstein

Beautifully done! Every morning as I sip on my morning coffee,I am transported back to Londolozi through your photos,videos, and words. Thank you for all your time and effort. We appreciate it across the world in Colorado.

Senior Digital Ranger

great video!!!

Senior Digital Ranger

Wonderful guys thank you for sharing! I love the transformation – Nature never ceases to amaze us!

Digital Ranger

Thank you for this wonderful documentary. Having witnessed this change in the north it is great to have this record – drought to paradise. The transformation is quite remarkable. Thank you and for your interesting daily blogs as well – a must for me to read and certainly brings education into my life. What a great team and spirit you have – definately on the bucket list!

Les Moodie


Marion Vollborn

Well done, amazing video

Absolutely brilliant. So nice to hear your voices. There is always hope around the corner. Thank you.

Francois Daubenton

John and Dave thanks for all you have done for conservation in SA. I remember well the chats about starting out at your home in saxonwold in JHB in the late 1960’s. Congratulations, well done. Regards Francois.


I will never complain again about “when will the rain stop falling !!” Lovely video!

Love this! And our lion being attacked video made the cut! #XTremeStar


So enjoyed seeing the transformation. We were there last October when it was very dry and glad you’ve gotten the rain to beautify your land again.

It broke my heart to see the drought and the hardships for humans and animals. Beautiful video and it shows how wonderful Mother Nature can be. At times harsh, but then she softens and look what happens. Thanks for this fantastic blog and video.

Senior Digital Ranger

My one trip to Londolozi occurred in the middle of the drought in May 2016. Will return May 2018 perhaps to a transformed landscape.


Simply Outstanding!

Beautifully captures the inevitability of change and renewal. “During the perceived time of drought, comes the most learning, the most growth and very often comes the greatest opportunity.” Amen, Dave.

This was one of those ‘feed the soul’ stories we spoke of earlier Amy, beautifully done, Thank you.

Astounding, beautiful video! You have come through a very difficult time and it’s so incredible to see the transformation, with the rains bringing renewal.


What is the music that accompanies this please? I know it, but my brain won’t play nice 🙁

Hi Viv,
We use stock music from a website called Mama Dance. The two tracks were called Missing and Flexor.
Best Regards

Beautiful … so glad the drought is over!

Yes!!! Hope realized


“And among his signs is that you see the earth barren; but when we send down water to it, it is stirred to life and growth (of vegetation). Verily, he who gives it life, surely, is able to give life to the dead (on the Day of Resurrection). Indeed he is able to do all things.” [Qur’aan (41:39)]


Great thanks

Senior Digital Ranger

A wonderful video to mark the death and renewal of the bush.. I am glad that the drought ended (at least for most) and let the beauty hidden beneath the parched land come forth in all her glory. Thank you for sharing

I have to say that I’ve watched this video about 8 times and I still get blown away, not only by the desolation but also by the way the landscape just came back after 2 years of drought and just exploded into every shade of green imaginable. I’m also astounded by the wildlife you guys have filmed, it’s brilliant (lion crossing a river, lioness versus hyena’s etc).

I also really loved the metaphor about how after the drought comes the most growth. I feel like I’m in the final stages of a perceived drought at the moment (university exams being the peak cause) and I feel quite depressed a lot of the time. But this post reminded me that everything in nature (and we are still part of nature) is cyclical and the good times will soon come again. Hopefully I will learn a lot from this period and grow as a person. Once December comes around, things will get better and I have an Okavango/Kalahari trip, so fingers crossed for a leopard!!

I’ve watched this video about 8 times and quite frankly I never cease to be amazed by it. The transformation is just extraordinary, the way a landscape that was a wasteland with bare trees just erupts with every shade of green; there are just no words to convey the wonder and beauty of it. And the footage of the wildlife and landscapes you guys captured for the video is just incredible. I also really fekt touched by the metaphor in the video, how a perceived drought in your life can be a period of self-growth and learning and like everything in nature, the good times will be back. My summer rainfall is definetely my upcoming trip to the Delta and the Kalahari at New Years (best Christmas present ever and it’ll be summer there too (funny that, given the content of the video))!

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