Involved Leopards

Xidulu 2:3 Female

Xidulu 2:3 Female

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About the Author

Callum Gowar

Field Guide

Growing up in Cape Town, the opposite end of South Africa from its main wildlife areas, didn't slow Callum down when embarking on his ranger training at Londolozi at the start of 2015. He had slowly begun moving north-east through the country anyway, ...

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on A Close Encounter for the Xidulu Female’s Cub

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Phew !!!

Indra Cabral

Hi Callum: Hope you are well. Are those “our” leopard cubs?
Warmest regards to Freddy and everyone at Londolozi.

Great article Callum. It is scary and yet exciting to be part of the cat dynamics. Thank goodness the cubs were found alive. Magnificent animals.


Gosh leopards really do live such dangerous lives, especially the young ! Glad the family were seen together later.

Callum, thank you for the great re-telling of the events of the past week! I’m so happy to hear that the cubs are uninjured and safely back with Mom again! Good for the young male for holding his own against the Tamboti female — what a feisty survivor he is!

Callum and Freddy. Superb team!

She is an amazing mother! Thank you for the update. We saw her with her last litter, 2 female cubs that bare now independent and I believe thriving.

sandra harmon

thank you for your daily newsletter–brings Africa to me. Hopefully one day, I can visit!

Good job, young male. Best wishes for this plucky family!

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