Long-standing guest and blog contributor, Tony Goldman, has wowed us yet again with the quality of images he captured on his recent trip to Londolozi. Here, we feature the very best of his bird photographs but stay tuned for the best of his mammal album coming up next week.

A southern carmine bee-eater perches momentarily before taking off after a small insect. These stunning birds are intra-African migrants and will be departing Londolozi shortly to move further north up the continent as we head towards Autumn and Winter.

A brown snake eagle, scans for prey from atop a burnt tree stump. Because they primarily hunt snakes, they have scaly, hardened legs to protect them from being bitten whilst they hunt.

A grey heron shouts from a dead tree at the edge of one of the water holes. Although these birds are migratory north of the equator they are resident in South Africa.

As its name would suggest, the giant kingfisher, is the largest in the kingfisher family. This is actually one of the kingfishers that does focus its diet on fish and not insects like many of the others.

An African jacana, shakes water from its plumage. These rather gorgeous birds have long toes, in fact the largest in proportion to their body size of any bird in the world.

A European roller perches on a small branch. These birds are also migratory and feed mostly on beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, ants and termites.

A water thick-knee hunkers down during the day on the edge of a water hole. These birds, with their noticeably large eyes are predominantly active at night.

A village weaver constructs a nest, thereby hoping to attract a mate. Female weavers will tear down nests that are not up to standard and will only mate with males that construct sturdy nests, which helps to pass the strong weaver making gene onto the next generation.

Amur falcons fly enormous distances from East Asia to spend the summer months in South Africa. These birds collect in large groups in the open areas of Londolozi and in some parts of South Africa have been recorded communally roosting in their thousands.

Two little bee-eaters, the smallest bee-eaters in the world, sit on a branch waiting to hawk for their next meal. It seems the bee-eater on the right is a juvenile as it has a darker eye and a smaller gorget (blue patch above the eye) than the adult on the left.

A black crake darts to find cover from a patch of debris in the Sand River. These birds are not often caught in the open for long, making this a great capture.

The infamous female ostrich takes a good look into the lens of the camera. Despite being nervous of vehicles when she first arrived, this ostrich is now incredibly relaxed around vehicles.

Such a treat getting to see the lonely female ostrich that we watched for so many years on her own, photographed this time with her new family.

A red-billed oxpecker rests on the back of a zebra. These birds are responsible for pulling off ticks and other ectoparasites that live on the skin of large mammals.

A close up of a juvenile bataleur. It takes seven years for these birds to get their black and white adult plumage and brilliant red faces and feet.

The largest of all the vultures, a lappet-faced prepares to take off here. These birds are renowned for feeding on the skin, tendons and ligaments too tough for other vultures to tackle.

A wood sandpiper feeds on some worms, small fish and frogs in the shallower sections of the Sand River. At this angle, one of the ways to distinguish this bird from the fairly similar common sandpiper is the white supercilium which extends beyond the eye.

A Martial eagle, the largest eagle found in this area, scans for prey from high above the ground. With the crushing force capable in their talons, they are capable of hunting prey as big as steenbok and young impala.

A little bee-eater fluffs itself up as it preens from this perch. Most birds preen themselves many times a day to remove dirt and parasites as well as for aesthetic reasons and to ensure their feathers are aligned for more aerodynamic flight.
Fantastic photos. Can you let us mere “photographic mortals” know what kit was used for these captures (particularly the lenses used)
Looking forward to seeing the mammals album next week!
Fabulous images! What gear?
Love all your photos but particularly this time I love the martial eagle. You can see the power and confidence in this bird. Your photos show the details and beauty that I can not see with my naked eye. Thanks!
Absolutely stunning Tony! I have an original painting by Ken Newman of the Carmine BE, but I have to say that your cover picture is outstanding <3 Thank you
Superb photos Tony. Stunning clarity and composition! You always wow us with your photos! We can but try!
Brilliant range of photos and species!
really beautiful photos!
The birds of Africa are so beautiful, I can’t decide which one is love the most. Let’s just say I love all equally! Thank you for such beautiful pictures.
Most of these birds were taken with a canon 7d Mk ii, cannon 500mm lens and a 1.4 x extender and thanks everyone for the kind comments
Wow how is it possible to get such clarity! Amazing photos thank you for sharing.
Absolutely beautiful photos! I’d love to know how these were taken: what lens? Tripod? Maybe camera settings for a few of them? Tony clearly sets a standard that we can all aspire to achieve!