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Callum Gowar

Field Guide

Growing up in Cape Town, the opposite end of South Africa from its main wildlife areas, didn't slow Callum down when embarking on his ranger training at Londolozi at the start of 2015. He had slowly begun moving north-east through the country anyway, ...

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on To Feel a Lion’s Roar

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Vinay Kumar

Are the Matimba Males still around?

Hi Vinay. No the Matimbas have not been seen on Londolozi in quite some time and we are unsure of their current position. Should we hear any reports or see them, we’ll let you know. Thanks, Amy


So nice! thank you

GM Majingilane

Where are the matimbas now have they left Sabi Sands ?

Hi. We heard reports from a ranger in the northern Sabi Sands that these animals were as far north as Orpen Gate. This is unconfirmed though and at this stage we are not sure which Matimba males they were referring to. All we can report for sure is that they have not been on Londolozi in quite some time. Thanks, Amy


A lifetime experience Callum and so well documented. It is an unbelievably exhilirating experience and I recall one night with the Mapoga pride right next to the vehicle. When they stopped roaring I found myself sitting right in the center of the seat next to my wife. The fierceness and vibration of their roar was so exceptional and loud in that dusk light I must have without realising what I was doing slid to the center of the seat, sort of self peservation. Had quite a good laugh about it back in camp. Will never forget that amazing experience. Best wishes Trevor

Can’t wait until we return to Londolozi! Coming back for our second trip on April 7. It would be absolutely amazing to see this coalition roar! Hearing lions roar is one of the unforgettable experiences in the bush.

Catherine Millar

I will never forget the first time I heard a lion roar and at Londolozi. It was overwhelming, starting deep in their bellies and exploding into the night. What an amazing experience and not like the MGM lion at all!

Great story.Did the fourth Majingilane brother die or has he recovered from
looking like close to death like James Tyrrell reported back on Feb 5th.Who is the dominant
coalition since the years are catching up to the Majingilane.Is it the Matimbas or the Matsipiri or is there someone new.

Hi Scott. As of this morning, Idube in the western sector of the Sabi Sands is reporting the death of Hip scar. They have found the carcass of a male lion and based on the recent movements of Hip Scar, are claiming that the remains are his. At the moment, it is hard to say who the dominant coalition are over Londolozi. The Majingilane are staying to the western reaches, Matimbas have moved north into northern Sabi Sands, Matshipiri are in the south and east and the Mantimahle coalition is quite far south of us. There is sure to be some movement in the coming weeks and months, which will be interesting for sure. We’ll keep you posted. Thanks, Amy

Hi Amy. Please don’t forget about the Charlestons in Sabi Sabi.

So happy to see and hear the Majingilane back on Londolozi again! Any word on how Hip Scar is doing, Callum? I hope the old warrior is recovering from his injuries and we will see him doing well again soon.

Hip Scar is dead.

Vinay Kumar

Thanks Amy for reply. Is reunion between two matimba groups is possible? Have you ever seen lions reuniting after long time apart? Thanks


Hi Amy,

could you report about the status of the Prides and the cubs. If mantimahle go further north Tsalala, manhgeni, and all other Breakaway Prides will b in danger. could you report please about their status, thanks

Wonderful experience. We were fortunate to experience the Magingilane roaring on the airstrip one misty morning. A memory that will always stay with us.

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