About the Author

Amy Attenborough


Amy worked at Londolozi from 2014 to 2017, guiding full time before moving into the media department, where her photographic and story-telling skills shone through. Her deep love of all things wild and her spiritual connection to Africa set her writing and guiding ...

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on Have You Ever Seen Genets Mate Before?

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Wow, that’s incredible! Great video and pictures Sumei and what a fantastic sighting!

love the accompanying music.


I laughed aloud when I heard the accompanying music 🙂 If only that were playing when I took the video, whilst perhaps sipping a G&T. Instead I had to squat next to the deck door to get eye level with the mating pair.
Thanks Amy for researching more on the gestation period. If only I could time my next stay at Londolozi to coincide with seeing the little ones!

Haha ya Sumei, I’ve caught some flack for the music choice! Thank you again for this special footage. It seems this genet has made herself quite at home at Tree Camp, so hopefully you can get back for one of her litters at least 🙂

Digital Ranger

What a fabulous sighting!! Ms. Genet sure makes the Mr. work for it. So happy your guest was watching at just the right time and had the foresight to record this wonderful Genet activity. Here’s to many babies.

I was given a special treat today while looking back at past blog posts. Genets are so visually appealing, for a smaller animal, and not seen as much since nocturna. But to have daytime mating and on your own veranda is astounding! Perfect video as well….. Sumei, you trumped them all! Congratulations.

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