About the Author

Callum Gowar

Field Guide

Growing up in Cape Town, the opposite end of South Africa from its main wildlife areas, didn't slow Callum down when embarking on his ranger training at Londolozi at the start of 2015. He had slowly begun moving north-east through the country anyway, ...

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on How Do Crocodiles Feed?

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Wow, what an incredible sighting that must have been! Fantastic pictures Callum! That is one huge crocodile and I find them really terrifying. Thanks for taking us along with you — great recount of what happened and incredible pictures!

It certainly was an incredible sighting to witness! A first for me. Many thanks for your kind words Jill.

EJ Heinzer

Wow, that was the most graphic “still” photos could be. I am such an (all) animal lover from urban and suburban areas and have a difficult time encountering animals in the wild, feeding. My critical thinking mind knows it is the only way all these beautiful creatures can stay alive since there is no one at home with a NY prime steak on the barbie!
My husband and I will be guests at Londolozi the end of February and I have enjoyed waking up each morning to a new blog about life in the bush. I know that through these fabulous pictures and heartfelt descriptions of the cycles of life, this neophyte will be better able to deal with the queasy feelings when viewing nature. Thank you all for your stories.

I unfortunately was to involved in attempting to capture that perfect shot that I did not film any of the sighting. Nonetheless, it was incredible to witness! We all look forward to your visit at the end of the month and hopefully you will be able to better understand and ‘follow’ the animals once seeing many of them in person.

Whats anticipated age of this big lizard Callum ? And typically when do they tend to nest, given the recent rains you have just had.

Lucas, it is great to have you following the blog! Knowing your experience you could probably answer these questions better than most! However, bearing in mind that gauging the age of animals in the wild is incredibly difficult and in discussion with my tracker, we estimated the crocodile to be around 60-70 years old. They would tend to lay their eggs during summer with the varying temperature determining the sex of the hatchlings. Indeed, the recent rains would often affect incubation and thus the potential survival of the eggs, but that is one just reason that makes these ancient animals so remarkable, as I’m know you would attest! Take care and see you in May!

Digital Ranger

WOW! What a wonderful sequence of fantastic pics!

Thank you very much Patsy! I was very fortunate and privileged to witness such an event.

It certainly was an incredible sighting! Many thanks for your kind words.

Autumn Is Amazing, the skies are spot on! Thanks for the great info.

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