Involved Leopards

Gowrie 2:2 Male

Gowrie 2:2 Male

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Sean Cresswell

Alumni Ranger

Sean is one of the humblest rangers you are likely to meet. Quietly going about his day, enriching the lives of the many guests he takes out into the bush, it is only when he posts a Week in Pictures or writes an ...

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on The Late Gowrie Male: A Piece of My Past

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Kumar Silva

It is good to know to know about this leopard. But write about Matimba Males who are more acclaimed and love. People are crying for an update on them.


Beautiful blog of a powerful male.Unfortunately for the Gowrie male,he always had bigger,stronger neighbours to his north so he always shifted his territory southwards.What male dominates Marthly these days?

Sean. What an absolutely brilliant article. We have been to Londo three times and I am quite confident I have photos of the Gowrie male. In June 2016 we were on safari with Mike Karantonis when we discovered a leopard who been injured overnight by two lions, who would die that day. I felt as though I had lost one of my best friends. I understand your emotional attachment. Thank you putting it into terms so clearly. I hope don’t mind if I share your item on Facebook.

Thank you, Ed, and of course I don’t mind you sharing the links. Thank you for always supporting the page and commenting on our content! See you next time!

Oh, and yes I remember that morning with Mike, that sadly was the Dudley Riverbank 5:5 male and I remember that very clearly – what an awful discovery… Keep well

Wow Sean what an excellent blog – whilst reading it I actually felt I was right there with you – Oh how I wish it were so. I never had the privilege of seeing this magnificent animal – always relied on the blogs like yours and stories via Trevor. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.


Jessica Celine

Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. Seeing leopards in the bush is one of the most treasured memories I have. I’ve been lucky to see a few in the country of my birth where I no longer live, but where I am always drawn back to, always in the hope of seeing the magnificent animals of the African bush, a place without equal.


What a great description of your ‘relation’ with this leopard. Thank you for sharing. Each of these stories gives me more insight in the lives of these magnificent cats

GM Majingilane

so well written !RIP Gowrie male does he leave behind any offsprings

Lovely commentary

Nice read Sean. Amazing how one animal can attract when so many beautiful animals abound. He was a magnificent looking animal and I am so glad you got to see him before he disappeared. A sad end to him, but I guess, such is the circle of life in the wild. May he rest in peace.

Beautifully written Sean, and stunning pictures of this incredible Leopard — the image of the Gowrie male in the light made me cry…stunning, powerful and beautiful. These beautiful animals allow us the privilege of watching them go about their lives and they capture our hearts…and then one day they are gone and leave an indelible mark forever. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your stunning images.

The Gowrie male first appeared in the Sabi Sands around 2001. Judging by his size, he is estimated to have been born around 2005/6.
Appeared before he was born?

Hi Pierre,
Apologies, a typo. It’s meant to read 2011. Changed accordingly.

Digital Ranger

Wonderful excerpt of the Gowrie Male Leopard aka 2:2.The reason he may have appeared camera shy and less seen could be with the fact that the opposing males next to his territory in this case the Camp van and Marthly males could have been more experienced and larger in size for a combat than he was to them!That could be the reason why he was less sighted i guess!

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