on Elephants – Family Matters

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I so enjoyed Shaun’s blog. Watching an elephant herd at play or simply feeding touches a cord deep inside me. Thanks for the daily blogs. You are all very blessed to work in such an environment.

I can’t wait to see the elephant herds in April. Beautiful photos and story

Wonderful blog! Ellies are amazing!

Sharon Blackburn

Wonderful post. Just can’t get enough of elephants. The more you learn about them, the more you realize how much we could learn from them.

Saun this is a beautiful article. I just love the ellies – especially the young calves. My heart melts when I see them try to intimidate the vehicles, they act so brave but then go running back to Mum for safety, then back at it again. Have seen the odd one having a temper tantrum which was so amusing, the rest of the herd just bypassing it and moving on, as if to say “go ahead, have your hissy fit and get over it.” They are truly amazing and intelligent animals.

Jim & KC Bearden

Thanks for your daily blogs, I so look forward to reading them each and every day. I have to admit that I miss the bush and especially the animals. I plan to return in Oct/Nov 2018. Keep the blogs coming!


I learned so much from this article. They are so smart. Thank you!

These pics have inspired me with my newsletter this month – its inspired me to look inwards.. to reflect.. and be so thankful.. yes.. Ellies.. you’ve taught me a great lesson.. thank you x

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