Involved Leopards

Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

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About the Author

James Souchon

Field Guide

James started his guiding career at the world-renowned Phinda Game Reserve, spending four years learning about and showing guests the wonder of the incredibly rich biodiversity that the Maputaland area of South Africa has to offer. Having always wanted to guide in the ...

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on The Week in Pictures #266

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Master Tracker

I have always wanted that photo. It is why you should have a wide angle lens in the camera of a short zoom.

Hi Ian, a wide angle lens would have definitely been more ideal for the shot! It all happened so quickly.

Some beautiful shots here James. So glad you have finally received enough rain to swell the Sand River. Great for humans and animals alike.

Thanks Lea, glad you enjoyed it

John Davis

Awesome collection Souchon. Love it. Are the Mhangeni breakaway back with Matimbas? And are the Matshapiri pushing in on Londolozi?recently been hearing such developments.

GM Majingilane

have matimbas and mhangeni breakaway reunited again ?

John Davis

I am also hearing the Mhangeni breakaway lioness which gave birth to her first litter of cubs to your east, has now brought her cubs on Londolozi and reunited with the other Mhangeni breakaway lionesses. Is she back?

Hi John,
At least one lioness has had cubs, but we are yet to see them on Londolozi. They will only be a couple of weeks old, so it may be awhile before we see them…

Beautiful pictures, James! I love the fire rainbow image, and it’s so fantastic to see the Wild Dogs back on Londolozi (although the Nhlanguleni female may not agree)! Thank you for sharing these beautiful images with us.

Hi Jill, Thanks very much. Its always very exciting to follow a pack of wild dogs, you never know whats going to happen!

Senior Digital Ranger

Compliments of the Season to you James & all at Londi! Oh wow how amazing is this WIP. The beautiful cloud formation with the rainbow & those nutty dogs trying to reach the Leopard so high in the tree & all the green after the devastating drought, may it now be a thing of the past! Have a great weekend 🙂

Thanks Wendy and the same to you. The reserve is flourishing at the moment with all the water. There is lots of new growth and new life!

Rose Bishop

Well done James!! Super pics of an amazing place! Keep up the good work! And congratulations on your engagement! We enjoyed having Mum & Dad down to Southbroom near the end of last year! Love Rose

Hi Rose, Thanks very much! 2017 promises to be an exciting year! I hope you keeping well and hopefully catch up soon.


Nice article and pic’s James. You may have accidentally shot yourself in the foot with that pic of the Klaas Cuckoo though …. Helen’s probably wondering why that one was not included in the 110+ types of birds that you found for us last week ! 🙂

Thanks again to you and Richard for another great week at Londolozi

Gordon & Helen

Hi Gordon, hahaha… I was very worried that Helen might see that picture of the Klaas’s Cuckoo. We’ll get it next time! It was such a pleasure and thoroughly enjoyed our week together! Keep well.


Are both Matimbas still together? Saw a report that Ginger was in KNP now. Please let me know! Thanks in advance

John Davis

I also saw that report that mentioned one of the Matimba Males but that could be one of the Northern Matimbas who look similar but have much thicker impressive manes.

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