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Kevin Power

Field Guide/Finance

Kevin hails from the small town of George, but we try not to hold that against him... After obtaining a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Finance at the University of Stellenbosch, Kev realised that town life wasn't for him for the moment, and ...

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on Is Three a Crowd?

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WOW double WOW! !!!!

Master Tracker

I did actually see that at Londolozi on my second game drive, where I was with Andrea Campbell and we were watching two leopards that were mating. A third walked past, saw what was going on and just meandered past the pair.
Also seen it in Tanzania, what was amazing about that sighting was not only were there three adult leopards within a few metres of each other but a family of five adult cheetahs was about one hundred metres away.
That was some transfer between lodges…
With Africa you never can tell and rules are sometimes very flexible. The important thing is to see for yourself.

Mashaba and Young Mashaba were so close — I would really like to believe that they have a life-long bond and definitely recognize each other. What an incredible experience, seeing the three Leopards together!

Digital Ranger

What i find really interesting about leopards and these big cats is you mean the Mashaba female and Nkoveni her daughter may not be able to recognize each other or is it what we as humans think?!A human being can recognize dad,mum,sister,brother or lover from a 100 meters away!Why would animals not be the same?!There is also the picture of the Piva Male getting closer to investigate!!Is it that the Piva Male has no memory to remember that this is the Nkoveni female that he mated with some months ago?!Or is it just we human beings that think so?!A point to ponder!

Certainly an amazing sighting

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