on Camera Trap Shenanigans

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Susan Farrington

LOL!! Love it! Great way to really make it fun for the kids…and I’m sure everyone got a good laugh. The other captures were great…it’s amazing what creatures pass by, in their own private world, usually undetected by us humans.

That is so awesome Shaun and Tayla, the kids must have been blown away.
Any idea what the 2 reflections are in the middle of the night pictures, (most visible in the Hyena and returning hippo pics?)

Fun! I love the lion-leopard BFF’s!!


What fun! Great blog post!

So funny! I’m sure the kids loved it, and incredible to see how much action goes on during the night while everyone is asleep and was captured on the camera trap. Great pictures!

Digital Ranger

That was hilarious! Such a cute, funny idea to entertain the kids…and us. Nice ‘real’ cam trap shots as well.

Senior Digital Ranger

Fantastic fun – they will probably be “hooked” for life!

Maureen Jones

A year ago this weekend we were eagerly anticipating our time in South Africa. Every family gathering turns into a Londolozi memory moment. Your name comes up regularly Shaun. Thanks again for the best four days ever.

So funny guys. The lengths you go to for your guests. What are those two reflections David asked about?

John case

This is the case family replying from the airport on the way home… This was a great prank that you pulled and it added to an incredible trip overall. We weren’t sure how eager everyone would be to accommodate the needs of youngsters (in this case, 7 and 10) but the entire camp could have not have been more enthusiastic, and we thank you tremendously…

Hi David. The reflection is a wild flower with rather leathery leaves will get back to you on which plant it is.

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