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Kevin Power

Field Guide/Finance

Kevin hails from the small town of George, but we try not to hold that against him... After obtaining a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Finance at the University of Stellenbosch, Kev realised that town life wasn't for him for the moment, and ...

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on The Week in Pictures #262

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Hi, Kevin
I believe that’s the Ravenscourt male leopard on the tree. He’s the son of Kashane male. Kashane moved to the south of Sabi sand and is now Makhotini/Maxabeni male leopard’s main comeptition.


Beautiful photos Kevin but that male leopard is not Kashane,it’s Ravenscourt male,son of Kashane and Ravenscourt female.

Mr Powers – you are on fire! Can’t wait for New Year – these are absolutely amazing pics!

So excited. Will be visiting you in September 17. Have a good Christmas


Sensational images. Don’t know what else to say other than I wish I was there.

lou jacobs

stunning photos!

Thank you for the awesome pics Kevin and happy Reconciliation Day to all. So glad you are getting some needed rain to fill the rivers and pans for the animals and hopefully assist the humans that need it also.

Fantastic pictures Kevin! I especially love the close-up of the Piva male — just stunning, and also the one of the Tamboti female — it’s always a good day when I can see her! What a great image of the Hippo out of the water — I don’t think we see that too often, and I always love seeing the Giraffes…one of my favourite African animals. All beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!

Wonderful pictures, Kevin!


Really good pictures Kevin, thanks. Looking forward to trip number 5 next year!

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