About the Author

Trevor McCall-Peat

Photographic Guide

Trevor joined Londolozi from Balule Game Reserve, and with this head start in guiding, he was up and running in no time as a Londolozi Ranger. Trevor has a unique style in photography, capturing images from fresh angles that most wouldn’t see. This ...

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on The Week In Pictures #255

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Saw the 2 little leopard cubs during our visit 11-15th October. That was a truly special privilege so I understand your emotion! Best wishes to you and Erin in your future venture/s.

Francesca ziino

Absolutely amazing pictures. I can understand why you wouldn’t want to ever leave such an amazing place. Africa left me totally in awe and I hope to return one day. Thank you for sharing

Trevor, I always enjoy the Londolozi blog as it brings constant wonder-filled rememberances of my visit in June. Your post was equally moving with your comments and photos. Thank you for sharing your special “goodbye”.

Senior Digital Ranger

we are very glad that we could enjoy these fantastic moments too!

Lisa Karlson

Trevor, Bill and I were so lucky to spend time with you in August and see these wonderful animals through your eyes. We learned so much from you, and you were such fun to be around. We are so glad we got to meet you, and have enjoyed reliving the bush through your photos. Wishing you and Erin all of the best in life – your adventure is only just beginning!

We are booked in to return to Londolozi in February and the daily blog reminds us of the wonderful things we could see. We are really looking forward to seeing you all again.

Lydia Watson

Thank you for your wonderful photos – you have no idea how much they cheer me up and make me smile while I’m in the office! Good luck with your next venture.

Carole Househam

Thank you for sharing your beautiful last goodbye pictures. I have such beautiful memories from my visit in February after four years you must have so many awesome memories. I wish you well as you continue life’s journey and may it be as amazing as Londolozi. I also do realise how hard you all work, keeping all the visitors happy and allowing them to take home wonderful memories. Good Luck and all best wishes.

Senior Digital Ranger

A fantastic photographic farewell. Thank you. Go well with your new adventures.

Michael & Terri Klauber

Trevor, Thanks for the memories and fabulous photography! Terri and I have loved getting to know you and wish you well. The memories and FUN we have had riding with you over the years are priceless!

Thank you for the time you spent with Vivian and I this past March, congrats on your marriage and all the best for the future.

Thank you for making the start of each day more pleasurable. Best to you!!!

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you for sharing this very emotional blog with us. I wish you all the best for the future & hope that we will see you back at Londi one day. Your pictures are so beautiful & very special!


Wow! Absolutely wonderful photographs with great composition. So inspiring. We have so much to feel good about in this country

Barbara (Gowar)

My once-in-a-lifetime experience at Londolozi will forever prominently feature you, Trevor! Thank you, sincerely, for colouring in the pictures for me and being a support and friend to Cal. Good luck in all your life adventures.

Good luck in your future adventures. I thank you for your fantastic captures of Londolozi. And thank you for being an informative ranger.

Greg and Denise Liss

My husband, Greg, and I enjoyed our time with you immensely, Trevor. We were so incredibly lucky to have had you as our field guide on our very first trip to South Africa. It could not have been better. While I am sad to hear that you will not be working at Londolozi for our return trip, I truly hope you visit us if you visit the states one day. I would love nothing more than to be your field guide and show you the beauty and wildlife of New Jersey. All best to you and Your wife.

Thank you Trevor, for the past 4 years of sharing your well-written blogs and beautiful pictures. Congratulations on your marriage and I wish you and Erin all the best in your life together — I am sure it is going to be the most incredible journey.

Jack Tenen

We met Erin when we were at Londolozi a few weeks ago and I have enjoyed your photos on the blog tremendously. Wishing you both a wonderful life together.

Sorry to hear you will be leaving and wish you well. I enjoyed catching up,with you over the past few years and owe you a debt of gratitude for helping me with the star photography. All the best.

we miss you already, go well guys…all our love always…

Trevor, we loved having you as our guide when our boisterous family group came to Londolozi in May 2016. Since then I have so enjoyed your fabulous photos and stories, which have kept Londolozi alive for me. It feels like a direct pipeline to the wild! I am constantly dreaming of returning, and sad that you won’t be there. But it sounds like you and Erin have some wonderful adventures ahead. Wishing you all the best…

Thank you very much everyone for all your kind words. Erin and myself are full of mixed emotions and sad to be leaving Londolozi but excited for the future and what is to come. Thank you for the support and kindness over the past couple of years.

Senior Digital Ranger

You will be sorely missed, but I am sure that other wonderful adventures await you! Thank you for sharing your time at Londolozi with all of us. Not goodbye but Until Next Time!

Malcolm and Laura Stewart

We have been fortunate enough to have you as our ranger on our last two visits, you have taught us so much and your photography is the best. We will miss the shout out of ” morning impala” on the dawn drives. Wishing you and Erin health and happiness in everything you do.


Beautiful shot of the Mhungeni Pride cubs…how many cubs were witnessed in total? I heard there were 12 cubs in that pride!

Well done and hope your career blossoms! whose next I wonder?

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