About the Author

Kevin Power

Field Guide/Finance

Kevin hails from the small town of George, but we try not to hold that against him... After obtaining a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Finance at the University of Stellenbosch, Kev realised that town life wasn't for him for the moment, and ...

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on Photographic Journal: Noticing the Stranger Things..

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lol poor ginger

Sandy Johnson

Beautiful pictures Kevin. Memories of Londolozi always warm my heart.


The Londolozi blog keep the heart of the bush beating strongly in all of us city dwellers! I wait in anticipation for the next report! Thanks to all the contributors for such a stunning blog and keep up the excellent work!
Leonie (Jhb)

please post more videos of the matimbas and their interaction with cubs

My heart breaks for all the animals and humans during this extreme drought. Praying for rain for you all. Beautiful pictures and interesting to read about the animal dynamics. Hope our ostrich family survive to adulthood.

Senior Digital Ranger

Its tragic Kevin but we hope & pray that the whole of SA gets rain soon! I feel for the animals, especially the hippos that can’t take the extreme heat. Your pictures are beautiful despite the sadness behind the scenes :'(

Breathtaking photos Kevin! Thank you so much for sharing your observations & your photographic talents! Until I can visit Londolozi myself, these blogs keep me there in spirit! 🙂

Great blog, Kevin! Lovely photos, too. Hope it rains soon!

Susie Hirst

I cannot believe the pic of mum & dad taking the chicks for a walk! Just adorable. thanku Kevin

Regards. Rocco Rossouw

Great viewing. Tough Times. Where is the rain

Beautiful pictures Kevin! Have the Majingilane been back on Londolozi? It’s great to see this brother looking in such great shape. I love the images of the Ostrich family! I pray that you get rain there in South Africa soon — it’s heartbreaking to see the animals struggling under such hardships during this drought.

Great pictures Kevin, love the elephants ….

Alex and Jassy

It was so exciting to be on the drives where some of these photos were shot! Thanks for sharing the magic. We’ve heard the Egyptian Geese are doing pretty well, too…

Me too! I love the updates, and use me imagination to fill in the scenario playing out. Its awesome!

Vocabulary choice was great and apart from that this article really had a nice flow throughout
Stranger Things Hoddie

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