About the Author

Werner Breedt

Field Guide

Werner guided at Londolozi from 2014-2016, but misses it so much now that he is based down in the Western Cape, that he begged to be able to continue contributing to the blog. Look out for his posts on a wide range of ...

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on My Farewell To You All

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Best of luck Werner as you head off on the start of new adventures in your life. It was wonderful having you and Euce as our Ranger and Tracker on our recent visit to Londolozi – lots of great sightings, plenty of wonderful stories and also heaps of fun. A great experience and great memories. All the best, happy golfing and good luck for that elusive “hole in one”!

How could the magic be better? It’s beyond belief now. About to start counting days again.

Werner, I wish you the best of luck wherever your life journey takes you next. I will miss your incredible pictures and beautifully written posts.

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