About the Author

Amy Attenborough


Amy worked at Londolozi from 2014 to 2017, guiding full time before moving into the media department, where her photographic and story-telling skills shone through. Her deep love of all things wild and her spiritual connection to Africa set her writing and guiding ...

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on The Efficiency of Nature

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Chloe Waterfield

If only humans were as efficient as vultures! I think we can learn many valuable lessons from nature, if only we took the time to look. Fantastic piece and stunning photography!

Sally Sedwick

Thank you Amy. So informative. Exquisite photography and film.

Hi Amy,
superbly written and very informative – fascinating that both of these animal are so misunderstood and in some cases unappreciated!
Do any of the rangers keep tabs on the hyena clans that inhabit the reserve? I think it would be really interesting to find out a little about the matriarchs and read up on how they are bringing up pups etc.

Hi Andrew. Thank you very much! Yes the hyena population on Londolozi is very healthy and we have two clans whose den sites we are familiar with and who we manage to view on a regular basis. Thank you for your interest and I’d be more than happy to do a blog in the future explaining more about these clans and how the females raise their young. Many thanks, Amy

Senior Digital Ranger

Hi Amy , you can ask James that last year we saw a female nyala eating a bone , it looked as if she was smoking a cigar!

Hi Dina. Yes we do sometimes see this behaviour, particularly in the winter months when animals are lacking certain nutrients such as calcium in their diets. Nyala as well as kudu and giraffe tend to be the animals we see the most chewing on bones. Thanks so much, Amy

Kathy Melbourne

Hi Amy,
Thank you for educating us on the importance of vultures. Fascinating!

Wonderful teacher…thank u so much.

Perry Farmer

A great bit of knowledge Amy Attenborough.

Hi Amy, thanks for getting back to me, a blog on the hyena population and two clans would be fantastic!! Hope you are keeping well and will look forward to a hyena based blog coming soon!! thanks again! Andrew

Glad to be back in the loop again! Londoz went AWOL from my computer!
Looking forward to our visit in September

Thank you Amy, for the very interesting and informative blog! The video and pictures are incredible as well!

barbara jones

Thank you for this article. In spite of what many people think of vultures, I think they are beautiful. They contribute to this world we all live in and we could learn a few lessons from them. All animals are wondrous in their own right! Again, thank you for this wonderful article.

A very diverse and informative read, always appreciated.
Thanks Amy

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