About the Author

Andrea Campbell

Alumni Ranger

Andrea has an energy that is hard to match. It's difficult to find anything in the bush that she doesn't get excited about, whether it's the molluscs in the Sand River, setting up camera traps all over the show to try and capture ...

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on Week in Pictures #231

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Master Tracker

How is the Otter hunt coming along?
PS Loved the Tsalala cub drinking

Is that Karula’s boy Kunyuma? He is a handsome fellow. Thanks for the wonderful pictures. Beautiful.

Janie Hansen

Loved your “Weeks in Pictures,” Andrea. The mud-encrusted buffalos is a wonderful moment caught of these fascinating beasts! Brava!

Great images. I particularly like the leopard foot on the tree.

Andrea, great photos. I have been wondering if you managed to identify the male leopard in the Marula tree- great to know his name. His tail curl is fantastic.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thanks for the week in pictures. It seems like in pictures that dwarf mongoose fur looks almost irridescent. Is there a reason for this and do they look like that in person? I have only seen them on the run.

Beautiful pictures Andrea! I love seeing the little Tsalala cubs…they’re so sweet! Where did the Kunyuma male come from…Kruger, or one of the neighbouring Game Reserves?

Great pictures. I especially enjoyed the drawf mongoose. Reminds me of a late afternoon spent with Nick Kleer, Rob and Amanda watching a family of drawf mongoose shuttling their babies between dens.

Fabulous pictures!

Claire-M. Lepage

Andrea Campbell, Thank you so much and many times for the beautiful photos of Kunyuma male. I’m so happy to see that He is safe.

This very special boy is one of the 2 males of Karula female 4th litter. They were born in December 2012. He was sired by Mvula male. So he is a younger half-brother to Torchwood male who spent some times on Londolozi in 2013, before heading West.

I love that boy!

Thank you for all these great pics! There are many familiar individuals…Kunyuma, Karula’s son and Quarantine male’s brother, has always been my favorite with his snarling attitude towards humans. He is a lonely rider (i think). He has grown a good looking and strong male. Hopefully he agrees to show up more often.

Thank you for sharing such beautiful photographs. Loved every one!

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