About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on 5 Days Back on The Road

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Experiences of a lifetime truly amazing shots. I am so jealous and can’t wait to return.

Digital Ranger

Incredible photos!! Thank you!!

James Walker

I just discovered your blog and am finding it riveting !.
I now live in Sydney Australia ex South Africa and love to return with Australian friends to the low veld etc .
As a matter of interest have there been any meaningful rains to help ease the drought. I was over in Jan and believe that there was some rain around Feb .
Anything meaningful since ?Cheers, James Walker ,Bondi Junction,Sydney .

Hi James,
We did have some late rain in March, but nothing to speak of since then. We are currently sitting on about half of our average rainfall, and unfortunately it looks like it might be done until next season. Following on from last year when we also had only half our avg. rainfall over the Summer, I’d say we are still under drought conditions.
Let’s hope next Summer brings some serious relief!


Krishna gailey

Thanks James,
Loved sharing. The 5 days on the road story.
Very sad about the old giraffe. Also loved the baby cubs following mum across the river, great photos.

Just fabulous fabulous photos and story, I almost feel like I’m there.

Thanks James, how the Madhaba cub has grown !

Hi Mike,

Yip, she’s getting big now! Probably won’t be long before we see her taking down small animals!

Best regards to you and the family!

Mashaba even 🙂

Gerry Van der Walt

Great write up James! Was awesome sharing the experience with you and look forward to getting back to Londolozi as soon as possible!

Thanks Gerry – wait till you see some of Don’s photos of the lioness on the rock!
Looking forward to having you back here soon!

Debbie Shapiro

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