About the Author

Andrea Campbell

Alumni Ranger

Andrea has an energy that is hard to match. It's difficult to find anything in the bush that she doesn't get excited about, whether it's the molluscs in the Sand River, setting up camera traps all over the show to try and capture ...

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on #challengeonnaturephotography

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I’ll never forget “the female ostrich” (who I still insist should be called ‘Gertrude’) flirting with the male guides and drivers while we watched that cheetah!

Senior Digital Ranger


Brian C

Beautiful photos. The leopards and birds are captivating. Its so nice to see Mashaba’s cub growing up (great job Mashaba)…. but who is the Ntoma female?

David Bourceraud

Thanks again for this nomination Andrea it has been fun and an honor to share in this challenge. When I see your photos and those of Londo team I really need to improve my level… The only solution is to come back in the bush as soon as possible ! Thanks again for this great idea and don’t stop to make us dream guys !!! ps: where is the otter Andrea ???

Amazing photos! Love the birds caught in flight! Can’t wait to come back to Londolozi!

So many amazing shots. Can’t pick a favourite. Not sure a how to join the challenge. Just getting my daily Africa fix via the Londolozi website. Thanks Andrea.


Love your pictures!! Hope you like being linked in my own post related to that topic. 😉

Michael von Erkunde-die-welt.de

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10 April, 2798
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