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Sean Cresswell

Alumni Ranger

Sean is one of the humblest rangers you are likely to meet. Quietly going about his day, enriching the lives of the many guests he takes out into the bush, it is only when he posts a Week in Pictures or writes an ...

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on Lion Update: Mhangeni Matters

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The four Mapogo daughters were taught well by BB, they are doing a great job !

Hi Sean,
I’m just wondering whether the young Sparta-male was with the Mangheni-pride or not?


Precisely what I wanted to know!

Hi Patrik and Ricardo

Yes, at the time these recent photographs were taken (mid- to late-November) the young Sparta male was with the pride, an interesting story and potential blog post all on its own. At the time of this Mhangeni pride update, the breakdown of the pride was 13, including the young Sparta male; as one of the lionesses has been spending time apart and presumably denning. This is a vulnerable time for the lioness and her litter, and explains her recent absence.

However, the pride still remains with a surviving 9 offspring, reaching sub-adult age, and may even be seen to more further successful in the fact that they have adopted another sub-adult.

Thank you for your comments and questions, we will keep you updated with the outcome of the separated lioness and her potential litter!


Thank you for the updates, Sean! It’s really great news that the Sparta boy is still with the pride. Hope he and the whole pride stay safe.

Jill Grady

The 4 lionesses have done an outstanding job of keeping their cubs safe….so fantastic to see! Great update Sean and beautiful images Sean and Callum.


Always a privilege to have & see heathy pride of lions with their successfully grown Cubs .

So gratifying to see a story about a flourishing pride of lions all looking so healthy and content.

Bonnie Frank

Having had the privilege of photographing these young cubs in October 2013, I am overjoyed to see that they are alive and well! Thank you so much for this great news!

Bonnie, that is so special to see them so far down the line and be pleasantly surprised with a full attendance!

nadine lynch

about the mapogo clan are their genes still within the lioness and how did the tailless lioness pass away? i must admit that Mr T and kinky tail was the heart of the clan, they all died fighting for their lands and for the pride of females. i also must admit my fave was the black mane lion i think that was Mr T or kinky tail.

hope they mapogo genes still runs today, its a strong gene to have within the pride of lions.

regards nadine lynch

Yes, Nadine, the Mapogo gene still runs in the adult lionesses of this pride. They were the sub-adult females, of Mapogo blood, in the Tsalala pride 2010 who fled with the original tailless female.
Since then, however, they have had litters (the now sub-adults) with the current Majingilane males. Therefore the Mapogo blood only runs as far as the lionesses of today.

We saw several of them in October while they were still separated. It’s nice to read that they have all reunited finally. I hope they stick around!

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