on The Week in Pictures #202

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Great pics guys…

Tamboti, Mashaba & rhinos. What a way to end the week! Thank you to each photographer whose artistry with a camera takes me back to heaven on earth–Londolozi.

Stunning pics! Love the bateleurs and the leopard with the moon.

Jill Grady

Theses are all really fantastic pictures! Thanks for a great end to the week. Have a nice weekend everyone!

Senior Digital Ranger

Well done guys! Its nice to see that you do get out & about some times & not always stuck inside your office! Thank you for sharing & have a great weekend

Tersia Botha

The pictures are indeed fantastic. Well done!!
Can’t wait for our Londolozi breakaway.

Absolutely love the stars in the sky photos as well as that amazing owl. He blends in perfectly with the tree bark..They are all awesome, but the peacefulness of the sky says it all.

Phillip Dials

Piva a male has an enormous head & neck, bateleurs are beautiful maybe the best pic I have ever seen of them, well the pics wouldnt be complete without the rhinos, & the picture of the moon & leopard is what I think of when I think of an african safari. One day before I die I hope to visit Londolozi. If I could visit Londolozi next week I could die a happy person once I returned home. Just hope my health holds out long enough to put the money together. Until then I will experience it through the eyes of others! Thanks again on a wonderful week in pictures!

I think the Tsalala pride has moved briefly into Arathusa. Believe they were seen this week. Beautiful animals.

Well done Rich, Chris and David – all excellent photos!

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