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James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Missing Leopard Cub

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It will be so sad if one cub is missing, but it is nature and only one usually survive. But it is still not easy to accept.


Hopefully the little one is fine,but the future of this litter is not very bright,the Robson’s 4:4 male is too weak to protect them,Anderson goes wherever he wants to at the moment,in my opinion he is easily the most impressive male in the Sabi Sands.

My heart breaks for Mashaba. She is such a good mother. Hope all is well in the bush for the little one, but time will tell.

Fingers crossed for a happy ending to this story

My heart skipped a beat when I saw the title of today’s newsletter. I held my breath as I read on. My sister, Marilyn Hamly and I saw these little wonders in August. We were privileged to have spent an entire morning with ranger Garrett, tracker Life, and our wonderful traveling companions, a family from London, as we watched with absolute glee this family of three. It was the highlight of my entire 19 day trip (and as Garrett said, it was the highlight of his year!). I would like to think that the missing little one will suddenly pop up, but I fear this is probably a dashed dream. I can only hope and pray that the remaining cub lives to see a lifetime full of glorious days roaming over every inch of Londolozi.

Thanks for the update James – hopefully it will be superseded by good news. Fingers crossed all 3 will be seen together again soon.
The photo of the 2 cubs above brings back special memories!

James Tyrrell

Hi Deborah,
It was such a treat seeing those cubs for the first time with you and Michael! Let’s hope the missing one turns up again.

Senior Digital Ranger

Oh once again this is sad news, but the laws of the bush are very harsh! :'( I hope next time will be good news. Thanks for the post

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