About the Author

Werner Breedt

Field Guide

Werner guided at Londolozi from 2014-2016, but misses it so much now that he is based down in the Western Cape, that he begged to be able to continue contributing to the blog. Look out for his posts on a wide range of ...

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on The Most Beautiful Bird in The Bush

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Awesome blog Werner. Lovely story about Adolf Stolke.

Thank you Marinda, poor Adolf though!

Brian C

One of my favorite birds… hope to see one live one day. Its not just the big cats– the birds of South Africa are amazing in variety. Some of the bee eaters are also very beautiful, if not as flamboyantly colorful as the lilac breasted roller.

So true Brian. Its the small things that make the bush as beautiful as it is! Come and visit Londolozi and we will show you a beautiful Lilac Breasted Roller in real life, maybe we can even add a bee-eater or two! Good luck with your search!

Jeff Rodgers

My favorite bird to see and photograph. And thanks for the great story.

All a pleasure Jeff!

An addictive photo subject for sure…I had to be banned from photographing ‘another LBR’ on our drives.
Thank you Werner for the informative story on this beautiful bird.

Pleasure Shveta! That is quite funny! One thing everyone must remember is that photography about patience! Good luck with all the photos!

Jill Grady

Great blog Werner and amazing pictures of one of the most beautiful birds! I loved your bird calls Sersant!

Thank you Jill! Indeed he is a talented man!


Stunning, also known as Mzilikazi’s Roller as its feathers were used for ceremonious activities.

Of these 15 species, there are species I know my name and species I don’t know. These are the rare bird species of the world.

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