on Sewing to Success: Londolozi Ladies Show Us Their Skills

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Awesome blog Kate. Doing a craft is so rewarding. It is so inspiring to see the ladies and Lodrick learn new skills.

Thanks Marinda, it was a fantastic two days and it was great to see how much everyone enjoyed their task.

Dahnya Cobb-Levison

As a retired art teacher and very fortunate guest of Londolozi, I am thrilled with the learning opportunities for the ladies and gentleman! A human’s most important asset is creativity.

Thanks Dahnya, I love that everyone is sharing their skills to help empower other people. There is so much to learn and it’s wonderful that we can learn something new everyday.

Thank you Sandi – there has been so much great feedback.

Hi Ryan, glad to hear there has been great feedback. I printed out some more beetle designs that Sandi has sent me and they’re now hanging on the wall at the sewing station. I’ll show them to you when I see you next.

Great story and incredible to see how sewing and crafting is gaining such rapid momentum at Londolozi

Thank you Rich, it was great to attend this and to see how enthusiastic everyone was.

Phoebe Harrell

This makes my heart so happy! I was supposed to be at Londolozi when all of this was happening but we had to cancel our trip at the last minute. I can’t wait to see how they’ve progressed when I’m back next spring. Love these ladies (and Lodrick too!). Extra special hugs from me to Linah!!!

Mo Groch

Thank you Phoebe for your generous contribution of materials and resources for this exciting project. Please send me your email – I so badly want to give you all the exciting details!
We missed you all at Londolozi this year
With love – Gogo Mo

Thank you Phoebe, I visited Lodrick in the village this week and he is already making great progress with his work, I am sure the team will have lots to show you on your next visit. Will send a hug to Linah from you and I’m sure she will send one back 🙂

Jill Grady

It’s so great seeing everyone working together on these new projects and having such a good time enjoying each other’s company while doing them! I wish I could be there to see all the wonderful works of art!

Thank you Jill, it makes me so happy to see and be a part of these workshops. I look forward to sharing more stories from the Londolozi family with you soon.

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