There’s just something extra special about leopards, isn’t there? They seem so mysterious, perhaps because they’re loners, coming and going quietly and unseen in the bush. Their camouflaging fur is unlike any other which, I think, adds to their stealth and mystery in the long grass. And if you’re lucky enough to look one right in the eye, strength and intelligence seem to drill right back at you.
It was our third visit to Londolozi and what a tremendous time we had – the wildlife, the staff, our rooms in two different camps, the food and the overall ambience is unlike any other place that we have experienced in our six safari trips to Africa. The leopards of Londolozi however always draw us back, and this time we saw an astounding number of different leopards during the first seven days of our stay. As our ranger Nick Kleer said, every time we went out on a drive, up popped another leopard! But he and tracker Mike Sithole were also expert at tracking the felines and we had great tracking drives during our stay, a hugely exciting way to find another leopard beauty. [Ed’ note: leopards are not always found due to their elusive nature – seeing a leopard on property is always a bonus and can never be guaranteed]
Here are photos of a few of the leopards of Londolozi that we were privileged to spend time with during our visit.
The Gowrie male was sleeping in a marula tree near the remains of an impala kill when we first located him. Several hyenas lazed beneath, awaiting scraps or maybe an accidental drop of the carcass.

We waited patiently until he awoke, curious and with a full belly…a handsome leopard with golden eyes!
Nanga and her little male cub are the current darlings of the reserve and mentally adopted by ranger Nick! Of course, who can blame him – with those big round blue eyes and playful behaviour with his mother, he engenders nothing but ‘oohs and aahs’!

We first found them on a downed tree, the cub refusing to let his mother sleep. He kept climbing over her, swatting and biting and generally just playing around! Nanga was very patient, grabbing at him to prevent a fall, gently biting and playing right back!

Nanga’s cub is already well habituated to the vehicles that allowed for great photographic opportunities.

We left them one afternoon heading into the bush, the little cub happily running alongside his mother.

The Piva male is impressive – handsome, strong and comfortable with visitors as he carried a newly-killed young impala through a drainage, hoisted it up a tree and began to feed as we watched.

The Tamboti female is beautiful leopard, one that we’d seen with two little cubs at our last visit in 2013. One afternoon we found her patrolling her territory, scent-marking as she went.

The following day Tamboti was feeding in a tree in the Maxabene. We watched her for a long time, and then saw her check the surrounding area before she came down the tree for some sleep, always keeping an eye on her prize.
Thanks so much to Amanda Ritchie in the Creative Hub for all her help with Lightroom! I learned so much.
The last five days of our stay at Londolozi were filled with lions – but that’s for another blog! Do you have a favourite Londolozi leopard?
Written and Photographed by: Mary Beth Wheeler, Londolozi Guest
Stunning images Mary Beth. Nanga’s cub is so beautiful. What a great time spend with them.
Beautiful photos of beautiful leopards. Tamboti is one if my favorites having spent time with her last September. But young Mashaba is special since we saw her with her mama when she was a little cub. Thank you for sharing.
I was so excited when I saw the title of this post in my emails this morning! Yes, the leopards have me mesmerized…they are so graceful and beautiful and wild and strong. The Nanga female has been my favorite since the first photo I saw of her….and now she has a cub!! Thank you for the photos…dreaming that one day I will be there and possibly see her!
Beautiful sightings and photos that give you a glimpse into the lives of these intriguing animals! Its too difficult to choose a favorite leopard … I am very partial to the Sunset Bend family tree. That covers the remarkable and lovely Tamboti female. I’m also a big fan of the 3:4 family tree. That covers Piva. He is young but strong and confidant. But the Gowrie male has those striking eyes (so well captured!) and its hard not to love the Nanga female. Great blog and looking forward to part II and some lion photos.
Beautiful pictures of Nanga and her baby. We too watched the loving interaction between them.
Beautiful pictures. Leopards are my favorite and have blogged twice about all i have seen at Londolozi. Mashaba is my favorite. I will be looking forward to seeing how the cub has grown that you have pictured here when I return in saptemeber. I can’t wait to see your lions. My favorite photo is of Nanga in the tree with her cub. Love the Cowrie golden eyes. I have not seen him before. Thank you for sharing!
Its nice to see your name behind the pictures for a change, as you are usually in the comments! Beautiful pictures of these magnificent Leopards. You made it very difficult to choose a favourite, but your picture of the Gowrie Male is outstanding with those golden eyes & pink nose! Thank you for sharing. I’m looking forward to the Lions
I love the leopards too, especially Mom and her cub together. Awesome photos of all the animals.
Beautiful pictures Mary Beth! I especially like the one of the Gowrie male which really shows off his stunning golden eyes. Nanga’s little cub is so sweet and it will be nice watching him grow into a beautiful, strong Leopard like his mother. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful images!
Thanks for sharing these images Mary Beth. I love your image of Tamboti keeping an eye on her prize. Really stunning!