on Lion Update: The Power Of the Pride

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Awesome blog Daniel. Truly a great and inspiring pride.


Daniel – I love the drama of your story. It makes one feel that there are lions everywhere at Londolozi. Hmmm?

I’m eager to see what the future holds for the lions of Londolozi. Amazing.

Wow!!! Very interesting…thank you so much for this article! I can only imagine how awesome this is for you, since I’ve been drawn in just from reading about it!! Keep us updated!

I remember the Tsalalas at the beginning of the split, we were fortunate to see a litter that was mostly killed except for the one female…I absolutely love this pride. They are resilient and strong and gorgeous. I truly hope they continue.

It has been fantastic reading about the movements of the various lion prides and the battles going on for territory and reproductive opportunities to strengthen numbers. Can you please write about how the names have come about for the various groups.


How ironic right? The females mated with the males that killed their 4 brothers and almost killed them too…adoslescent males and females are not truly safe especially the males during takeovee until they strong enough to fend for themslves by fleeing the pride that they were born into…i tink tis aspect not often told in nature programs..same with cases of lions killed by crocs..many experts claimed lions are apex predators and no enemies

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