About the Author

Amy Attenborough


Amy worked at Londolozi from 2014 to 2017, guiding full time before moving into the media department, where her photographic and story-telling skills shone through. Her deep love of all things wild and her spiritual connection to Africa set her writing and guiding ...

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on From Humble Beginnings to Great Things: Witnessing the First Footsteps of a Newborn Elephant

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Amazing video. A very special experience

Mike and Chris Johnson

Amazing Amy ! Thank you for sharing, can’t wait fir our next experience

Mike Johnson

Wonderful moment captured. I definitely wouldn’t mind coming back to this earth as an elephant!

Thanks for a great start to our day Amy

Gee Amy I see what you mean about being concerned that the adults might step on the newborn. They do seem overly fidgety around and over the calf.
What a wonderful sight to see, so envious.

Amazing…only wish I could have been there. Thank u. Ann

Brian C

Fantastic video and sighting. Seems like it would be difficult for the little one to keep up with the herd.

Hi Brian. You’re a hundred percent right. It does take the calf a while to build the strength to stay with the herd. Although they did slow down their movements, this calf and mother was seen lagging a bit behind the herd a few days after its birth. It definitely needs more time to sleep and rest but no need to worry as its mom was close by at all times!


Can’t wait to share it with the grandkids – they look forward to your posts, just as we do. How far back were you to take this in? The elephants are very comfortable with your presence even at such an intense time in their lives. Best, Bev

Hi Bev. I did have my 100-400mm on my camera, which meant that we could get this footage whilst maintaining a respectful distance. I was also very careful approaching the herd as I also thought they may be edgy but they payed us no attention whatsoever and ended up moving closer towards the vehicle. Really fantastic to be allowed into the family celebrations.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you Amy that was an amazing story & video! Yes I see what you mean they looked like they would step on it any minute, but touch it so gently – wow! We humans could learn from that moment <3

The unspoken caring and love is so touching. The rumbled give me goose bumps!

Agreed Mary. It’s my favourite sound in the bush!

Jill Grady

It’s so touching how they all look after and protect the calf. What a wonderful sighting Amy, thank you so much for sharing!

Senior Digital Ranger

Fabulous! Thank you so much for sharing.

Evette Hartig

Amy, thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing! The world is so blessed to have these magnificent creatures.



Amazing story Amy, what an incredible sighting to witness. I have never seen such a sighting but have witness a new born elephant only days old stumbling along behind its mother.

This is such a rare sighting to see, absolutely beautiful Amy…

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