About the Author

Werner Breedt

Field Guide

Werner guided at Londolozi from 2014-2016, but misses it so much now that he is based down in the Western Cape, that he begged to be able to continue contributing to the blog. Look out for his posts on a wide range of ...

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on 3 Stories of the Underdog…. Prey Species Avoidance Techniques

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Great blog Werner. Interesting.

Jess Watt

Thank you for this reminder, the simplest intimacies of the lowveld reside with the bigger communities.


Love the blog. Great Werner – you make me proud.

Awesome blog post Werner! I love articles that focus on the prey species that are often ignored. You described their defensive behaviors so nicely! 🙂 Thanks!

Thank you Jacques! All animals are special and I think we, as naturalists, often get caught up in the hype surrounding the “special” species such as Leopard. We should however not depreciate other animals, as they all play such a vitally important role in the environment that we cherish so much!

Susan gordon

I read Boyd’s book. And I am enchanted with your blog and pictures.Thank you for what you do to keep it all working.

Thank you Susan! Boyd’s book is absolutely exceptional and full of great stories, in my opinion a must read for every person interested in the natural environment. I really appreciate the feedback and will continue writing blogs about the lesser known and often ignored animals in Bushveld!

This is a really interesting post Werner, I appreciate you giving the spotlight to the underdog. This post reminds me of another animal who demonstrated some fantastic prey avoidance techniques last year. Check out this video of a porcupine defending himself against a pride of 17 lions… http://blog.londolozi.com/2014/10/a-prickly-encounter-lions-vs-porcupine/

Eric Leininger

Werner, enjoy continuing to learn from you long distance.

Fabulous photos!

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