About the Author

Amy Attenborough


Amy worked at Londolozi from 2014 to 2017, guiding full time before moving into the media department, where her photographic and story-telling skills shone through. Her deep love of all things wild and her spiritual connection to Africa set her writing and guiding ...

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on Who is the Real King of the Beasts?

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Great sequence Amy! Very interesting.

lou Marinaccio

Love the stories.!!!
great work Ms. Kate


Brian C

Wonderful to see the interaction between these incredible animals. Glad the Tsalalas took this threat seriously. That elephant bull really meant business (part that really impressed me was him stabbing his tusks in the ground)

Jill Grady

Yes, very interesting Amy, and love the photographs! Two of my favourite creatures, so I love to hear about the interaction between them. Thank you so much for the really good and informative blog!

These pictures are so wonderful that I would book a holiday at Londolozi immediately if I had not already booked my 2015 holidays.
I love your newsletters and pictures!

Ross Wind


I enjoyed a lot the pictures and I’m taking the time to give farther information about the king of the beasts relationship with the elephant. Few people know that some lion prides are elephant hunters specialists. Elephants will have the advantage in day time. Lions gets in hunting mode at night. There are in the internet several articles or images from Youtube showing lions killing elephants. Like the National Geographic said THERE ARE NO ANIMAL SAFE FROM LIONS. Thousands of years ago in Mesopotamia a land of the Caspian tiger, brown bear, leopard, hyena and the Persian lion (same as the Asiatic lion). Kings had kept in captivity all these animals and organized battles. The lion was proclaimed “the king of the beasts”, the same in the antique Egypt, Greece, Rome and other nations. In the land of the Bengal tiger in India, the lion was regarded as the king of the beasts too. The expression “king of the jungle or king of the forest” comes from India resulting of a bad translation from the British. The lion is still the national emblem of India today. Old Indian texts speaks about lions hunting the Indian elephants too. Considering his unsurpassed courage and fighting skills, the size of the lion comparing to the elephant, the mighty lion deserved his title “KING OF THE BEASTS”.

Ross Wind

Because you see Lions running from an elephant, don’t make this fool you. Lions are not stupid. In other occasions we do see an elephant running from lions. An African elephant could be 30 times bigger than a full-grown male lion. Nevertheless Lions do occasionally kill elephants and it was reported not so long ago a few adults too. If you watched many videos, you may have noticed that the elephant even the biggest will often hesitate when facing a full-grown male lion. Studies show that elephants would react when they ear the roars of male lions not the lionesses. In general elephants would fear lions the most at night when there are in hunting mode. Now if we compared the sizes of both species pound for pound, the lion is truly the king of beasts. Some lion prides became specialized in elephant hunts, others in giraffes, cape buffalos even hippos. The National Geographic said that NO ANIMAL ARE SAFE FROM LIONS.

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