About the Author

Werner Breedt

Field Guide

Werner guided at Londolozi from 2014-2016, but misses it so much now that he is based down in the Western Cape, that he begged to be able to continue contributing to the blog. Look out for his posts on a wide range of ...

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on Bird Builders – a Look at 4 Amazing Examples of Nest Builders

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Wow Werner, this is very interesting! Keep up the good work! Id like to know more on the hyena, could you do something on it?

Sandy Johnson

The photo of the flycatcher by Kate is stunning!

Senior Digital Ranger

One time after brushing through the tail of my horse I found a nest made completely from the bright red hair that had been removed. I don’t know what bird had made it. I found it on the ground after a storm. Perhaps it wasn’t a good choice for building material but it was interesting.

I love these bird posts mixed in with the Big Five! Kate what an amazing moment captured of the “female paradise flycatcher building her nest”!

While staying at Singita Boulders at Sabi Sand in 2007 we saw a Secretary Bird standing in his/her nest high up at the top at of a very tall acacia tree. Silhouetted against the sky as the sun was setting, the huge nests of sticks along with the impressive bird made a lasting impression on me that I’ll never forget!

That sounds like one of those once in a lifetime amazing sightings Mary!

Great blog post, Werner. Thanks for putting this together! Keep it up. 🙂

Thank you Jacques, appreciate your feedback!

A Breedt

It is obvious that the article demanded a lot of research. The result is well written and appealing to a person as ill-informed as I am.The carefully selected pictures are outstanding and enhance the quality of the text.Well done !!! Keep up with the good work.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thanks Werner. Its always good to see the feathered side of the Wild & your blog of their nests is lovely, especially the Carmine Bee-eaters, that I really would love to see <3

Jill Grady

Interesting blog Werner, and lovely photographs! I agree as well…Kate’s image of the flycatcher is stunning!

Sandy Stewart

I really enjoyed the article Werner. Very interesting and extremely well written! Well done!

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