on 15 Incredible Pictures of Birds in Camp

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Jill Grady

Wow, what beautiful images Tony, and a great blog Kate! The colours are stunning! Africa has such a variety of beautiful birds. I have also never heard a bird call as loud as the call of the Hadeda when it is flying…just incredible!!

Stunning images.

Senior Digital Ranger

Beautiful Tony. I love all of them, but the one of the Crested Barbet is “unusual”, Scarlet Chested Sunbird on the Aloes is spectacular! <3 <3

Brilliant, Tony! And you’ve given me an idea about how to spend some of my time between drives! Thanks!

Can Kate/Tony share what camera type and lens are used to capture these magnificent images, please?

Thanks everyone for the kind comments and Marg i used a canon 7 d camera and a 500mm lens for most of the photos and added a 1.4 x extender on some of them ,all taken walking around the camp and hand held no tripod.

Very difficult to get a close-up of the grey-headed bush shrike – such a secretive bird. Thanks Tony.

Master Tracker

What wonderful pictures. I wonder if Londolozi would consider some form of hide for bird photography?
I saw some wonderful Sunbirds from my room in Founders Camp last month.

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