on What are the Wild Dogs up to?

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Beautiful. Just returned from Londoloi and was fortunate enough to see the wild dogs. Amazing animals

Thanks for the update Mike. Pleased to hear they are doing well and still with us!

It’s so hard to get great photos of wild dogs – they’re always moving! But these are great. Thanks Mike. Love the one of the youngster peering over the back of its sibling.

Jill Grady

What amazing photos Mike! They’re such interesting animals to watch and quite beautiful! It’s so nice to see they are all healthy and doing really well. Thanks for such great shots!

Great pics Mike thanks for sharing, if only haha, great to meet you.

Senior Digital Ranger

Oh what a pleasure it is to see the dogs when they are loping at a gentle, then stepped up pace is a thrill for all. Thanks Mike for sharing your pictures. I do love Wild Dogs with their big ears 🙂

Master Tracker

Four more days…

Master Tracker

As one door closed another opened, I arrived at Londolozi just after this pack migrated, however on my last day another pack arrived and we saw them hunt and kill. The most amazing drive of my life and a big thank you to Simon Smit for his excellent driving.

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