on A Profile of the Tamboti Female

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Awesome blog Bennet. Beautiful images.

She is a beauty & so are your pictures. Thank you Bennet.

Evette Hartig

Bennet so impressed with your skill not only at tracking but also photography. We will return August 29 for a 5 night stay at Founders camp we hope to see you!

Jill Grady

It is clear to see that your heart and soul are with the Leopards and in tracking Bennet. You are a lucky man to be able to do what you love. Your photographs are so beautiful and I look forward to seeing more of them soon, I hope!

SN Nethery

Would someone please explain to me the method of spot-pattern recognition on leopards.
Thanks so much.

Hi SN, The spot pattern, such as 4:3, indicates the identity of the leopard through the number of spots on the left and right hand side of its snout. More about the individual leopards can be found at the following link: http://www.londolozi.com/leopards/ Thank you.

Senior Digital Ranger

Bennet, your pictures are stunning & your love of leopards shows in them and of course you are working in a paradise that some of us can only dream about or “live” in your pictures & blogs, so thank you!

S.w. Tsang

How sweet ! Good luck to her attempt to expand her domain

Senior Digital Ranger

She is a beauty and so is her daughter. Thank you for sharing.

Brian C

Thank you for the photos and info. Tamboti female is a favorite. It has been wonderful to see her raise a daughter the past year. I hope she has another litter soon.

Beautiful photographs Bennet, I can see why you have a soft spot for her!

Bennet – fantastic blog! I love learning about the specific leopards of Londolozi, and this story is a beautiful one, so happy you shared it with us. The last photo of the Tamboti female is amazing…love it!

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