on An Interview with ranger Tom Imrie

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Senior Digital Ranger

Beautiful Tom! I totally agree with you on the camera as so much beauty is missed when you always looking through the lens. Remember it with your minds eye!! This is why you won Guide of the Year – a well deserved honour!

Jill Grady

Thank you Tom, for such wise advice. It’s great to capture wonderful photographs of all the beautiful, incredible wildlife while on safari, but it’s in the quiet, gentle moments of just taking everything in with your eyes and your heart that you truly understand what being among such beauty is really all about.

Jan Baldwin

My husband and I had the distinct pleasure of your amazing knowledge of everything we saw on our game drives. Animals, birds, and flowers were discussed with ease. We still marvel at the experience and hope to return again to this unique place. I still have a leopard photo on my desktop background and it brings a rush of good memories every time I open my computer. Thank you, Tom, for a very special Christmas vacation experience.

Kristine Dong

I had the pleasure of meeting Tom while taking some star pictures last month. And then he saw me crying on the runway a few days later. Tom, please know I was crying because of the very words you’ve written/spoken above. Every time I return is better than the last and I owe it all to the people you work with!

Becki Kille

Hi Tom…ThankYou for an incredible 3 days! We left today March 19. Remember ,We tried all morning to locate a pair of male adult lions who were travelling around Londolozi but we could not find them. Well guess what Tom , we did see them ! The pair of them sitting under a tree on the airstrip when we made a quick stop at MalaMala(?) …just wanted you to know that we did see them!
We had a good laugh about that! Hi to Gerry!


Truly one of the best rangers and people to introduce you to the bush…..a unique and special soul!!

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