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Kim Drake

Wine Curator

“When a winemaker gets the wine right, it is pure joy, like sipping a wonderfully painted artwork from the Louvre.” These are the words of Kim Drake, Londolozi’s Procurement Manager turned part-time Sommelier. Kim’s love of wine first started developing in 2010, shortly ...

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on Who Makes The Best Wine in South Africa?

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Another excellent blog Kim! I am going to add this wine to our next tasting.

Lovely post. Interesting.

Senior Digital Ranger

I cannot comment on the wine Kim, but I will have that gorgeous piece of steak please 🙂

I agree, the steak looks great, perhaps we could convince Anna, our Exec Chef, to do a blog on how to prepare the perfect steak?

Master Tracker

I was amazed to find a South African wine named after me, as somebody who will be bringing slide film with him in September – a few bottles of The Luddite …

Which wine are you referring to Ian? A true Luddite, down with technology, we will have the Luddite Shiraz on hand in September!

Master Tracker

Its the Luddite Shiraz, I have one bottle left – I am keeping it for when South Africa are next playing at test cricket at Lords along with a picnic lunch, some friends , what could be better on a sunny afternoon?

I can think of no better way, you will definitely have to stock up on some more when you are back in SA. A great little site I have found to purchase South African in the UK is http://www.sawinesonline.co.uk/, they unfortunately don’t seem to have Luddite but have a rather large selection of other great wines.

Master Tracker

Hi Kim
The last time I was in South Africa I bought a bottle of Fairview Estates “Bored Doe” for a friend who is a qualified Master of Wine (and a great lover of French wines in particular) he was horrified to find that he really enjoyed it. So South African wines went up in his opinion.


Sadie Family wines to order from a California store at approximately $55 per…..plus exorbitant shipping cost to Hawaii. Will have to wait till I return to South Africa to try a Sadie Family wine.

James WC

Hi Judy,

Have you since found the wine at any stores in Hawaii? Or any nearby by with less exorbitant pricing?


You will have to be lucky to find any of the Sadie wines, most of them are sold before they even get bottled now a days.

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