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Andrea Campbell

Alumni Ranger

Andrea has an energy that is hard to match. It's difficult to find anything in the bush that she doesn't get excited about, whether it's the molluscs in the Sand River, setting up camera traps all over the show to try and capture ...

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on The Week in Pictures #128

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Well done Andrea. My favourites: termite textures on bark, black and white cub looking up at the vultures, black and white elephants and the Dudley Riverbank female in the tree.

I love the spider with the butterfly, very cool. And the young hyena is just too cute!

I am always a fan of the elephants, especially the little ones, and the Tsalalas! I am particularly happy to see the Majingilane males with the Tsalalas! That wasn’t happening 3 years ago….perhaps the cubs have a fighting chance this time! Thanks for the pictures!

Brian C

You all have really outdone yourselves lately with amazing posts and photos! We haven’t heard or seen much of Dudley Riverbank Female and daughter, and here they are… thank you! Sorry to hear she is fighting with Tamboti Female, but I guess that is to be expected. I love both of these lady leopards, but DRB must be on the decline… She looks healthy (if not happy) to me in the photo, although maybe a little thin, hard to tell

Sandy Johnson

The black & white pic of the two lionesses.

The “tree climbing” lesson. Makes me smile.

Jackie Wesseling

Love all of them but my favorite is the Young Hyena!!

Jill Grady

Fantastic photos Andrea! Amazing shot of the young hyena, and I always love seeing the big Majingilane with the cubs…there is such a huge difference in their sizes and such a great contrast between the small cubs with the powerful males. The cheetah pictures are also incredible — they are so beautiful and I love their amber eyes! All great photos Andrea!


What a nice selection of photos !!!!Must say I cannot make up my mind on the best photo – they are all excellent!!!!Please carry on – believe me it is not rewardless!!!!

Master Tracker

The young Hyena- as in all portraits its in the eyes.

The second favourite is the B/W shot of the Rhino. Really good example of the rule of thirds.

Love the cheetah hyena stand off. The young hyena is precious

Any picture that shows me a rhino is my favorite picture–along with all of the others!

Senior Digital Ranger

Thanks Andrea, you have outdone yourself once again! Me thinks the guys are going to have to watch out as you ladies are taking over fast 🙂 I love the termite work, cub looking at the vultures & Old Dudley female is looking just that. I hope she will be ok – they do have to keep eyes & ears open! but all of them are just wonderful.


Andrea that was a great set of pis! Loved seeing Dudley still lovely in her advanced years, the black and white of the Tsalala lionesses was very nice! was that the sub (now adult?) that BiBi took care of in the front? if not could we get a pic of her in the future? Or a write up on her status now that she is accepted by the Majingilane! Thanks



I Love the pic of Sandros with the cheetahs. Next time we come he has to take us to them 😉 Sandros and Eckson, we miss you!!!

Courtney M

Love the young eles playing.

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