on An Elephant Changed My Life

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Brett and. Mary, simply one of the most beautiful stories I’ve ever read. I can imagine the whole experience. Thank you for sharing!

Jill Grady

Great write up Bret and Mary. A visit to Londolozi is definitely a life changing experience.

Jan wilkinson

Beautifully written! I was holding my breath as you described your experience. It may be my only meeting with an elephant, so thank you for sharing. Aren’t the animals at Londolozi magnificent? I’ve been following the blog for over a year and am in love with the entire experience…the animals, the people, the work that is being done to preserve the species, and the natural beauty of the place. You just made it all the richer! Jan

Senior Digital Ranger

It is amazing! You never know when that moment will happen. That moment that says, “this is what the rest of your life will be about”.. I am so happy that these amazing creatures gave you that moment.
I wonder how many, have those moments and let them pass into a pleasant memory.

Thank you for sharing

Kim Young

Reading about your experience brought back memories of a similar one for my husband and myself. We were also in Sabi Sands and it was our first safari although instead of a bull, we had several protective mothers surround us. What an incredible, heart-pounding experience!

Susan Nethery

I think we all have one animal that made us love Africa for ever and ever after.
Mine was a lion. I thought I had seen God in those great golden eyes.

Diane Wales Baillie

What an amazing experience and such a moment in time to be treasured.

louise Taback

Oh Wow………..


LOve Elephants.They are amazing creatures!!!THey are so sensitive.Love watching a family group moving seeing them protecting their young .


Yes WOW. I had a similar incident with elephants at Tembe (Kwa Zulu Natal) they are rather at ease with people there (only 1 poached in the last 4-5 years) passengers should always listen to what the guides tell them, elephants are inquisitive and will investigate noise. Elephants are definitely one my of my top favorites

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