on My Perfect Day

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Wow wow wow!! Those are some of the most fantastic photos I have ever seen! Oh I wish I had a tiny little bit of photographic talent to match my enthusiasm!

Thank you for reminding me of my own trip to Londolozi… definitely makes me want to return.

Marie-Josée Parent

Thank you.Wow.

The elephant behind the lion. Absolutely agree with all that was said re Londolozi. Freddy is the most fantastic tracker and gentle person. Tammy envelops you with love and caring. Londlozi is indeed my “other home” where I leave a large piece of my heart when my stays are over and I majlke the long journey back to Hawaii.

Senior Digital Ranger

Honestly, who could pick a favorite? They are all great! I do love the expression of the young cheetah as he is running. I would like to know if you used a camera that takes both stills and videos or if you used 2 different cameras? I am thinking of buying one that does both and if that is how you did yours, were there any problems? Was it difficult switching from one to another?


Amazing photography and video!! Love the close up eye photograph.
Fabulous to see Freddy-and agree he is the best tracker!!:)
What type of camera and lenses were used?

Susan Nethery

Mavelous photography…..great video! except for the music!!!haha! next time, check out some of the great AFRICAN bands!!

Tom Ocasek

Absolutely outstanding photography. I have been enjoying these Londolozi email updates since I was there a couple years ago, bu the is the first time I chimed in – great stuff.

Senior Digital Ranger

Oh my goodness me, these pictures are all stunning, I rate them all perfect, no favourites. I loved the video, but felt that the “music” didn’t lend itself to the sounds of the bush, but will watch it again with the sound off 🙁 Thank you to the Williams family

Melissa Molinini

Absolutely fantastic. Our trip last March to Londolozi was fabulous as well. When were you there?

Senior Digital Ranger

Wow, a favorite?? All of them.. Maybe sometime in my life I can visit Londolozi.. must win a lottery first. Hahaha.. But thank you for giving us a glimpse into your wonderful adventure..
this truly is a little piece of paradise

Outstanding photographs and footage McCrae, thank you for sharing with us. rich

All pics fantastic. Great job!
Video also great for showcasing; but I agree with earlier comments………. I will watch this one with the sound muted for future viewings, to be able to fully enjoy the images without being “distracted” by the accompanying sound track.

Darryl Gillespie

The bird on the giraffe was interesting.


very nice!


Exquisite photo’s that recall our outstanding stay at Tree Camp a short year ago – thanks for sharing! (Try a great song by Miriam Makeba – Pata Pata).

They were all fabulous. I liked the series of lion jumping across the water-unique

Stan Spiegel

Brings back some fantastic time. Great pics.


Stunning photos! Cannot pic a favorite, I love them all. Can I ask what kind of camera you used? Thanks for sharing, can’t wait for my next Londolozi trip!


Great shots….great video….the music took away from the beauty of the video……not a good choice.

Natasha Goyette

McCrae, These are extraordinary. You have a beautiful gift. I have an image of you as an 11-year-old boy sitting on an old bus traveling through Santa Cruz island in the Galapagos. You were tired from a hot day of turtle exploring and getting ready for your trip home. You have grown into a handsome and talented young man. Thank you for sharing these images. My favorite photo is of the giraffe with the red nosed bird sitting low on his neck. It is unusual that a photographer captures the majestic size of a giraffe. You did. Nice job! Love and hugs, Tasha

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