on An unlikely sighting

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Evette Hartig

Great photos Kate, sad about the pups, however.

We just got news that Nelson Mandela has passed away. He was a man who changed the world and touched the hearts of so many, our thoughts are with all the people of South Africa and at Londolozi in this time of grief.


Fantastic photos and lovely stories !!!Well done

And so it goes. The natural world continues–sad today because of the passing of Madiba. All of us in Sebastopol, Ca. remember him with love & awe. May he rest in peace.

Senior Digital Ranger

Kate your pictures are outstanding! Tamboti is no small Leopard, seems very tall for a Leopard, unless its just because you were close up, or a good lens? Sad about the Jackal pups, laws of nature are harsh! Your write up is excellent, felt as if I were there watching it with you 🙂

Fantastic Shots and story line.

Kate, amazing photos and very interesting interaction between the leopards and jackals as well the Tamboti female and her cub. Can’t understand why the mum would feed on the jackal pups, however, I do remember the Majingalene males killing offspring of rivals and cannibalizing them, leaving only paws behind…nature is curious, sad and wonderful as well. Perhaps the Tamboti female was sending her cub a message…?

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