on South Africa Safari – Day three

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Jill Grady

The photos are wonderful! I must say though, after spending some time at Tree Camp in Sept., that I can say without reservation, that Londolozi has absolutely the best Rangers and Trackers in the world, with your safety and well-being utmost on their minds, and I am sure would never put you in a situation that they felt was dangerous. It is just such a magical place there and we can’t wait to return.

Mark Pemberton

Jill, Thank you for your kind comments about our photos. We are delighted to share them with the whole Londolozi community. Like you, we have nothing but the greatest admiration for the skill and talent of the rangers and trackers at Londolozi. My comments about being out on the road were more “tongue-in-cheek” than anything else. However, the incident did add to the texture of our story and is something that we wanted to share in our blog. Also like you, we can’t wait to return sometime!

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you once again for some really beautiful pictures, which I never get enough of! I hope that there is a Day 4 treat in store for us too???


Steenbok are lovely little deer but pretty sure not the smallest in South Africa.
The tiny Suni in places like Phinda look more like large hares than deer when they skip away.


Forgot to add – great article and pictures.

James L. Costantino

Mark and Cathy Pemberton the images are really nice .. Specially the kids of elephant and panthers looking so much pretty . The Africa is such wonderland there are so many great parks that have variety of animals . Safari tour is great adventure .

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