Involved Leopards

Torchwood 3:3 Male

Torchwood 3:3 Male

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About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Who is the Torchwood Male?

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Master Tracker

The last photo is a wonderful use of light and patience -waiting for the golden 15 minutes -only 10 months to go (and counting!)

I hope he stays around for a while. I would love to meet him next year.


Thank you for this great blog!

So great that he found an “companion” with the Nottins female.
Hope he is “nice” to that old lady and give her what she want. 🙂

And I hope that he stays in the area, is not “afraid” of cheetahs anymore, and that one day he will be as “mighty” as his awesome father, Mvula, who is and will always be my favorite leopard of all! 🙂

His gorgeous parents where the first wild leopards I saw, so that boy grow to my heart too.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you for the update, The Torchwood Male, is quite handsome. Hope he stays safe until her
can find his own patch of paradise.

Evette Hartig

Wonderful blog James. Loved the last photo, what a handsome young leopard.

Shardool Kulkarni

Has he mated with the nottens female? And does he have no whisker spots on his right side since you mentioned his spot pattern as 3:#?

Senior Digital Ranger

Beautiful thanks James. Always great to read about these magnificent cats <3

Brian C

Awesome photos and updates about the Vomba Young Male and Torchwood Male. It is good to see these young leopards try to establish themselves. Funny that Torchwood has struck up a relationship with Nottens— that amazing old lady leopard! The Torchwood Male does look like his father…
Is Torchwood the same son of Mvula known as Wabayiza futher north? Or am I mixing up different sons of Mvula?
Also, while I am thinking about it, is the independent son of Tutwla still on Londolozi? He must be similar in age to the Torchwood Male.


Hi Brian

You mix Wabayiza and the Torchwood male up.
Wabayiza is the Son Mvula have with Thandi and the Torchwood male is the son he have with Inkanyeni.

Mvula have sired 5 sons. Wabayiza and Torchwood male.
2, who are not named yet, he have with Karula, and Wabayizas younger brother Buhuti. 🙂

Busy boy. Hope he`ll sire a daughter, that will make it into independence too.

Brian C

Thanks Rudolf! Now I am clear on Mvula’s offspring. It is always easier for me to keep track of leopard mothers than the fathers.
Seems like Mvula has been very successful parent with Karula and Thandi. Would like to see him have a daughter with the lovely Nanga female (Moya), Ostrich Koppies or Campbell Koppies Young Daughter (Kwatile). Lamula (Gowrie male) might not be pleased about that!


LOvely to read this wonderful story.He is handsome for sure.Thanks Mike for sharing this lovely story with us.

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