on The Adventurous Cheetah

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So good to have news of them again, we were lucky enough to see them with Byron and Judas in May – fabulous to see them all grown up! I hope lots of your guests get to see them whilst they are at Londolozi, it is a special treat – one of many chez Londolozi.

Evette Hartig

We were all scared when the mother cheetah was so badly injured fearing she and her cubs would not survive. How wonderful to see them thriving and back at Londolozi. Thank you for the wonderful photos and update. Such beautiful and magnificent cats.

JP Joubert

Awesome insight Suthy. Great post!

They are beautiful. I hope they are still there when we visit on the 24 May next year. I just love receiving your daily Blog. Thank you

So beautiful!! Your story and photos bring tears to my eyes!!!


are the siblings one female and one male?


very nice write up!


Lovely photos!!

Jill Grady

Great pictures Mike and I love your writing! I was so excited to see the female Cheetah and her two cubs when we were there at Londolozi in Sept. and I’m very happy and relieved to see they are all doing so well. The cubs have grown quite a lot in the past two months! They are so beautiful and life is so hard for them. I hope they continue to thrive.


No other place on earth gives us a better example of what it means to live in the moment. You have given us another great reminder of this. There are no second chances. Only now. Yes Mike, Life goes on. Indeed!
Best to my Londolozi family.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thanks Mike! That is as usual a beautiful write-up about these magnificent cats! Long may the youngsters live happily at Londolozi & enjoy your beautiful “office” <3


Great blog Mike. I’ve been following her travels…and noticed there’s only been one cub with her since Nov 12. (I believe it’s the same Mom) I haven’t heard of anything happening…just the single cub reports now out of the north east.
Any news??
Cheers, Syl

Oh, James!
Fred and I were reviewing photos of the cubs yesterday and wondering if they are still with Mom and if they are thriving. We were also trying to remember exactly how old they were when we saw them in May. Thanks to you, our questions are answered.
One new question from looking at your images – in May the female looked markedly smaller. In your newest they look to be the same size. Is there a difference in size with males and females?

Thanks,Mike,great story and wonderful photos,hope to see them again in May.

Susan Nethery

The cheetahs are my favorites.
Have you ever had a King Cheetah? If you have seen one, you will never forget it! I got to see one in Bots….at Mashatu.
They are magnificent.

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