on The Tsalala Cubs

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Lynn Rattray

Beautiful….this made my day!

You know what I LOVE about these video ‘vignettes’? Every time, you can see true LOVE, compassion, caring, interaction between species and a language amongst them all their own. Some people think animals’ interactions are anthropomorphized. REALLY? Can you watch that video and NOT see love? It’s good to know that regardless of how hard their lives can be, however short, they are loved. Very well done. Thanks for sharing!

Jackie Wesseling

My how they have grown since we saw them the first time. Just want to be back there. Great video.

Brian C

Thanks for all of the phenomenal videos and photos of lion and leopard cubs. They are a lot of fun to see! Glad to hear the Tsalala cubs and moms are doing well (and that Nanga female has really made a place for herself).

Carol Robinson

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I might just be with you mid November, Kate. Could you please just keep them cute and little until then 🙂

That would be amazing…look so forward to seeing you again! I will do my very best, hopefully the new ones will be out and about!

Your video brings back such memories — the Lion prides feel like family now.
I remember our first day at Londolozi, we went on a drive atop the river bed when a lioness came calling for her cubs. Next thing I know, the cubs emerged from the river palms and followered her, and we went into the river bed to follow them. 9 cubs, 3 lionesses — and we followed them to an impala kill where we saw them feed. What a priviledge. On one of our last days, we saw the tailess lioness mating near the landing strip.

I am so moved when I see your videos — how animals have a simple and stripped down way of living all their own, and it is so moving. Geri — I agree, it is cat love for sure.

Thanks Kate and James — I get to continue to enjoy Londolozi through your open eyes.

Evette Hartig

So happy to see they are all doing well. All the babies are so adorable.

Thank you so much for this amazing clip. I love all of the animals, but the lions are my favorite!! How I love the piece of the cubs and mother loving. That is so very PRECIOUS and so awesome to share that gentleness and love the lion has. Thanks so much again for sharing!! WELL DONE!!!

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you to all of you wonderful guides at Londolozi for keeping me glued to my PC for my daily fix. These pictures are to beautiful for words. If only humans would take a leaf out of the Animal Kingdom’s book, there would be a lot more love & peace in the World.
The cubs are beautiful and growing fast.
Have a lovely “bushveld” weekend & look forward to my “Week in Pictures” tomorrow 🙂

Virtuel Bliss

There is nothing more adorable and precious than lion cubs. Please watch out for them.

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