Involved Leopards

Nottens 5:5 Female

Nottens 5:5 Female

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About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Nottens’ Birthday

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Great blog James. Does anyone know what happened to the other female (not Piva) that reached independence born in 1998?

Shardool Kulkarni

The other sister died of Mange in March 2002. But what happened to the cub born in 2006? Could this be either the Little Bush Female or Calabash Female seen in areas adjacent to Piva Female’s territories?


Awesome leopard and story.

maxine gaines

Thanks for this update James. Brought tears to my eyes as it brought back memories of her mom before her and her grandmother before that going through the same ageing process. I consider it an immense privilege to have known all three of these amazing females! Be strong Nottens!

Senior Digital Ranger

It is sad to contemplate the loss of one of our beloved leopards.. But the memories she has lift us with will have to suffice.. Thank you for the celebration of her life.. may your final journey be a peaceful one beautiful lady.

Impressive footage! Amazing to watch – thanks!

Yves Christen

Her exact birthday date is October 13.

warm regards James (and Nottens, and the others…)


Beautiful shots of a magnificent animal.

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