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James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on New Tsalala Cubs

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i hope they make it! I would take one if they want to abandon them 🙂


The same was thought about BB’s last cub. She went in and out either without you believing so or knowing so and choosing to be dramatic about it. I choose to keep a positive outlook since this lioness has raised cubs before and I believe knows what she is doing. She lost older cubs/subs during takeovers and with the now sub adult’s litter due to floods and the uneasy relationship they had with the Majing males. The relationship with the coalition males seems more stable now from reports so there is no reason for worry unless another predator found this litter as I believe is what happened with her last litter.

Hi Vicki,

That is certainly most likely what happened to her last litter.
We do not try to overdramatise things, merely simply state the possible scenarios. It is hard not to feel some kind of connection with the animals though, especially youngsters. One of the things that makes the bush so fascinating is that we don’t know half of what goes on in the lives of the nocturnal animals like lions, and are left to guess and speculate based on our observations during game drive times.

Let us hope that this litter is more successful.


Jackie Wesseling

It feels like forever since we first saw these cubs with Tom and Jerry three weeks ago. I long every day to return to Varty camp. To smell the air and to be at peace. It is my hope that these cubs survive and that we can follow their adventures through updated pictures and stories of them on the blog. Until we return to this heaven you call Londolozi, the blog will have to suffice. Thank you for the most unbelievable vacation we have ever had. The only way to top this one is to return and stay longer!!!!!!
Jackie, Leo, & Nathan Wesseling

Virginia Race

I really do hope they look after there cubs this time, it is a bit strange when they leave them, I sometimes wonder if they really want there cubs this pride, great blog really enjoyed readings this about them thank you, how old are these females now

Lynn Rattray

Story is too sad to comment.

Trevor Patrick

Looking at photo of Female she was not happy with station being near? Maybe she is trying to prevent attention of sightings and it should be closed?

Hi Trevor,

I’m not sure which photo you are referring to. In the two photos that have the tailless lioness in them, she was at least 100m away from the den, and is also not the mother of the cubs.

Photos of the cubs in which they are looking towards the camera are merely expressions of curiosity, and all were taken with high zoom lenses so as not to come too close and impact on them. The cubs are not viewed if the mother is not present and vehicles are always sure to leave the sighting long before sundown to prevent drawing unwanted attention from nocturnal predators like hyenas.

We are particularly sensitive around den-sites like this with young cubs.

I hope I have allayed your concerns somewhat.


Trevor & Colleen

Thanks James.


So it looks like the sub-adult female is surviving? At what age do the males/Majingilanes leave her alone? If the breakaways killed BB who practically raised them, will they accept these two and the sub-adult or perhaps they are responsible for the cub deaths??

All I can say is ‘HURRAY!!! Three cheers!!’ Don’t know why, but the Tsalalas are my favorite!


HI James,Just want to tell you how much I enjoyed the photos of these little babies and the story is once again very well written.Well done and pleeeeeease keep on telling these wonderful stories

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