on Our Great Adventure

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Amazing photographs, these are truly one of a kind and evoke a very special feeling. Thank you for sharing. rich

Stunning- now that is a romantic perspective of Londolozi! Glad you enjoyed it-I have gone solo and it still appears that way to me 🙂

Thais Racy

Londolozi is the most inspiring place I’ve been in my 9 years going to different places in Africa.
Not only is one of the best lodges, as staff is awesome, super friendly and fun. We really felt welcome.
Pictures look great!

We spent time at Londolozi in spring 2011 and will return in May 2014. We went primarily looking for Leopards, and Leopards we found. Check some of my photos on fb at Edward L. Hubbard, “Eds South Africa 2011.” Londolozi is my favorite place on Earth and we have visited 76 countries.

Senior Digital Ranger

I can’t wait to visit SA, next year.. I know I will stand in awe of this beautiful country..
My fear is that I will not want to return home! Think they might hire an old woman
to do chores?? LOL

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