About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on The Week in Pictures #86

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cindy tyrrell

Stunning pics yet again Jamo, particularly liked the giraffe and hippo shots as well as the resplendant guinea fowl.

John Wilson

Hi James stunning pics as always, they make my Saterday mornings. Did you use continuous shots for the male cheetah.


Hi John,

Yes I did. Once we realised he was probably going to make a run, I switched to shutter speed priority (I usually shoot in aperture mode) to lock a high shutter speed to capture the movement.


Another fantastic set of photographs James, great to see images of Camp Pan.

Wow. Spectacular as always. The baby giraffe is such a sight!

Henry Smith

Love the Guinea Fowl, James!

Lynn Rattray

Fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing camera info, as I’m trying to learn how to use my new camera for my upcoming trip!


Once again stunning photos and very interesting stories to go with.Cannot wait for the next lot – the high light of my week !!!

Senior Digital Ranger

Oh James, you make it so difficult to comment on one, when they are all so perfect! I also thought that the leopard cub on the right is saying “hey bro, easy with the claws, I’m family”! They are all so beautiful and you obviously love what you do, which I great, as I get to have my “Saturday fix”. Thanks a ton.

Camp Pan male & a rhino–thank you for a picture of my two favorite animals in Nature. The other pictures are pretty good too! No, really, they are spectacular. So good to see the baby cheetahs surviving. They sure have grown since March. Look forward to the week’s post. Hope to see all again very soon.

Shutter speed. Will have to experiment with that before joining you in November.

Hi James,
I have more than FOMO – I am actually missing out! Love catching up on the cubs we saw in May. Thanks to you there is less missing out. And, thanks too for including the helmeted guinea fowl. I always think that, like impalas, many people don’t stop to enjoy them.
Jo Lynne

Thank you James, sometimes takes me a while to get to your photos when I’m traveling, but I always enjoy them when I do.

Louise Taback

Awesome Photos as always!! Thank You for sharing!!!

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