Involved Leopards

Camp Pan 4:3 Male

Camp Pan 4:3 Male

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About the Author

Helen Young


Helen guided at Londolozi from 2007 to 2013, coming to the reserve after pursuing her post-graduate studies in conservation management. A natural story-teller with a fondness for clapping loudly round the fire during guitar nights, Helen now works as head researcher and content ...

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on The Camp Pan Male still has it!

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I love Campy!!

Oh. My. God. What a sighting and those pictures are just incredible!! Great job, Cathy and Jo Lynne!!

rob keulemans

Wow, beautiful experience and beautiful pictures again.
When will I be in the [position to pay a visit to Londolozi? I cannot wait!

I have pictures of the Camp Pan Male all over the walls of my bedroom so I can gaze upon his magnificent being every morning & night. We spent some wonderful moments with him in March.

As usual, a beautiful job of teaching us about the history of the animals we have the privilege of seeing when we are at Londolozi. Thanks to Enoch and you, we were able to get up close and personal for an hour and 10 minutes.

Glad you are back from break. Hope James’ FOMO wasn’t catching.

Jo Lynne


Yosha! Finally! It’s been decades since I’ve last heard of him! (oops, just months actually, just felt like that to me lol). Thanks for this Londolozi! 🙂

Lynn Rattray

Amazing. Such great pics! Thanks for sharing!! Can’t wait to be there Sept. 1

The Varty Camp staff and the whole Londolozi family look forward to having you Lynn!

Regards, Kate

Incredible pics of Camp Pan, thank you for sharing.

Shardool Kulkarni

15 llitters with 6 females? OMG! And how many of those cubs survived? And I thought his only mates were the Vomba, Maxabeni and Tamboti Female! Which other females did he have cubs with? And did any of them make it? Truly a legendary male.

Evette Hartig

One foot in the suitcase ready to head back in August…can’t await to see Camp Pan again…he is a magnificent cat. Well written Helen and great shots Jo Lynne and Cathy.

Bev Goodlace

Beautiful photographs of my favourite leopard and his latest progeny! So pleased to see Camp Pan doing so well. Cannot wait to get back to Londolozi in two weeks time.

So glad to see Camp Pan- a splendid animal, that makes the other males pale in comparison.

Tina Greeff

Wonderful photos – love to see Leopards in action.Story very well written.Look forward to more in the future

Cathy Thornhill

If it had not been for Helen-the author of this blog and our ranger and our Tracker Enoch, we would never have gotten the images! What expertise they both have! Still cannot believe that Enoch could hear the signals that lead Helen to drive to this spot. And then Helen worked to get us in position to do the photos. They are two of the reasons that our trip to Londolozi was so amazing!

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