About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on New Tsalala Lion Cub

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Verney Moyo

Hope the little one stays alive, with all the unfortunate mishaps this pride has encountered, they need to foster more of their young beyond the thresh-hold and into adulthood to ensure that they do not become extinct as a pride. I still have hope…their story is in stark contrast to the Sparta Pride at the moment who seem to be flourishing and all of their members have good relations with the domineering Majingilane. Perhaps good relations overall with the dominant coalition is another key to their success..? I had hoped the other sub-adult would have made it this far as well, does anyone know what happened to her…?

Verney the last time we saw here she was on our eastern boundary, in very poor condition and lying up no more than 200 metres from the Styx pride, although neither party knew the other was there…

Unfortunately this was a number of weeks ago and we have every reason to believe she is now dead.


Katie Siegel

Thanks for the photos. The film footage is great. I will be following your updates of the little friend I met at Londolozi.

Senior Digital Ranger

It is a harsh beautiful world they live in.
Thank you for sharing this little piece of heaven.


I don’t see a good ending to this either, they didn’t seem to take much notice of the little thing at all, most lionesses wouldn’t let them wander so far away, especially at that age ! Was BB there ?

Hi Rosie,
The full pride was in the same place in the Manyelethi riverbed for two days, but on the third day the older tailless lioness was on the Southern side of the Sand River, a couple of kilometres away from the others.


Ginny Race

Why is always hard for just one cub to survive, is he to early to be out of the den, so cute, I will read the story again but not to sure as to who the mother is, how old are BB’s daughter’s now, loved this blog thank you

Ginny Race

I hope they look after it, last time BB’s cub disappeared


Way too cute. I had to watch the video a few times and then I even saved it to my favourites. I truly hope this itty bitty Tsalala makes it. Now the other girls need to give him some coalition brothers. Awesome blog. Thanks 🙂

Courtney McGuigan

Oh how I love the babies! Great pictures and so glad you got video too! I could watch that little one stumble around all day…. Makes me more homesick than I already have been. 🙂 Isn’t he a bit small to be introduced to the pride? His mom cant be the one who was missing from the pride when I was there in Jan, right? Seems like he might be too young to be that cub.

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