on Meet the Blog Team: James Tyrrell

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Well nice to meet you James since I’ve been enjoying your blogs and photographs already!!! Great job!

Welcome James its great having you on the team!

Great blog! James, i’m loving your blog posts and of course your brilliant photos!

Janice Capuani

Love seeing the photos and blogs. Thank you so much. Good luck to James and all of you. Brings back memories of my trip to South Africa with my daughter. (hope to make it back some day)


Good to meet you James, I’m sure that you can fill Adam’s shoes very well ! Just wondered, do you have a favourite animal at all ? We all know Adam loved the lions, just wondered if you have a preference too.


Beyond obsessed with big cats and interactions with other predators . How long have you been wanting to do this , how old we’re you when you knew . Incredible photos !

Diane Wales Baillie

Welcome James look forward to reading the blogs and wish you all the best

Judy Guffey

Love the blogs. They’re my instant ‘fix’ each morning. Counting days till November when we’ll be back at Londolozi. In the meantime….great photos and narrative. Keep them coming. Glad to meet you here.

Heart-stopping photos–thank you & I am already enjoying your blogs–will be in Founders Camp in three weeks. Hope to get some good photos too.

Evette Hartig

What a nice introduction, we look forward to your blogs.


James, I always love your writing and amazing photos! Glad you will be contributing more often.

Congrats James on taking on the blog! No doubt you’ll do very well and continue to take fantastic pictures. Cheers!


Time to step in to the light as a grown up adult:) Hope that you had a great birthday! I look forward to reading more and living the lowveld life vicariously through your pics!

James, Looking forward to lots of interesting posts and more of these great photographs. Alanna and I are also very much looking forward to catching up with you again in May.


Had the pleasure of spending a few days with James in January. Doubt it gets any better, ranger wise! Wish I knew at the time that he was that good behind the camera. Will have to come back to get some pointers.

John Holley

Written by Helen Young! The saga continues…



Thank you James and welcome. I love to read the blogs and watch the beautiful pictures.

James – with all the guests that you’ve encountered at Londo, you probably can’t remember them all but it is our family that is pictured with you and Ex crossing the river. I think that crossing followed in short order the time that the jeep got mired in a dry, but very sandy, section of the riverbank as we were (perhaps too aggressively) following a beautiful leopard. That trip in July 2011 was the highlight of our lives – especially that of our angel, Leanna, whose up-stretched arms and smile are unmistakable signs of delight. Rogers, Beth and I return to Londolozi in early August with the Gulf Coast Connoisseur Club and look forward to reconnecting with you on a game drive or two.

James T

Hi Steve,

Great to hear from you, and I remember you well! I also remember getting stuck that morning, and it was Beth who had infact spotted the leopard if I remember correctly. Ryan told us you would be coming back and we are all looking forward to welcoming you!

See you in August!


Yes, indeed….It was me who spotted that leopard so I take full responsibility for the interesting adventure that morning; it was certainly a highlight of the trip. And seeing that expression on Leanna’s face certainly made it all worth it. (Yours was a look of pure determination!!)

I also want to thank you for making the trip especially fun for the kids.

See you in August….

cindy tyrrell

…..with acknowleged risk of hugely embarrasing my son……( sorry Jamo!)
there is one HUGELY proud mother in Cape Town!


Really great to stay in touch from up north in Staffordshire, UK, James. Love the photos and recall the enthusiasm you had as a young lad all those years ago! Love to see it’s still juicing you up! so keep it up please.

Rhys watkin

Me and my family where at Londolozi last Christmas and we are still talking about it. We where lucky enough to have James and Mike as our guides and they where where fantastic. I would recommend them to anyone wanting to go to Londolozi. A big thanks to James and Mike for making Londolozi the best place on earth, and we hope we see them again when we come back.

James T

Thanks for the comments and encouragement everyone!


What joy to “travel ” with you James Tyrrell
in Londolozi, You surpass Richard Attenburough in your brilliant narration, enthusiasm and sharing the bushveld and it’s creatures with us at home. Brilliant and gifted you certainly are. hamba gahle……Elme Breytenbach

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